Instead of expecting love from someone else, try loving yourself authentically, unconditionally and most importantly, profoundly. The way you love or treat yourself dictates or defines how others will treat you.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Everybody needs love, and everybody loves to be loved. But most of us expect this love from the outside. We think that someday someone would come and make us feel loved. We believe in such things because we are unaware of the gentle loving presence that’s within us and all around us. It doesn’t matter whether you call it God or nature or simply love, it’s there, and it is what you wish it to be. It is profound, intense, authentic, and unconditional. The person most deserving of this love is you yourself. And if you divert this love to yourself, you’ll find out that there’s more to it than you need, so you start spreading it out to the people around you, and it comes back to you multiplied by at least a hundred times. Thus, to get love, it is important that you discover love within yourself and then spread it.
Quotes; “Instead of expecting love from someone else, try loving yourself authentically, unconditionally and most importantly, profoundly. The way you love or treat yourself dictates or defines how others will treat you.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi