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How to deal with narcissism

A narcissist person shows symptoms like aggression, defensiveness and verbal abuse. Such people are said to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder(NPD). Individuals with symptoms of this disorder are two-faced i.e. they are charming and compe

deal with confrontational people

How to deal with confrontational people

Trying to explain yourself to someone who enjoys getting into a confrontation over every little bit of thing is a task in itself. Conversing with such people can be a little easy if you keep these points in mind.

How to deal with a bully

How to deal with a bully

Bullying is a very common phenomenon at work places and schools and it can be a nightmarish incident. The following are a few ways to deal with a bully.

deal with a passive aggressive person

How to deal with a passive aggressive person

Passive aggressive people are always pessimistic about everything in life even when everything is going really well. They always believe that their personal failure is because of other people and hence keep on cribbing over things. They always avoid work

How to deal with domestic violence

Domestic violence can be physical as in hitting and assaulting, or it may be emotional as in always controlling, public humiliation, name-calling, criticizing, refusing to cooperate or being deceptive and manipulative. Here are a few steps that will help

deal with bad behaviour

How to deal with bad behaviour

Facing the instances of bad behavior is a difficult task for all those people who are much concerned about their self respect and are more concerned about their social image. As against these circumstances, people still face bad behavior in private and pu

deal with control issues

How to deal with control issues

A controlling partner, friend or relative can be a cause of severe annoyance. It requires a lot of effort from your side to keep yourself balanced and stable when you are facing control issues. Let us take a look at some of the ways to deal with it.

deal with a difficult parent

How to deal with a difficult parent

Parents are after all individuals, and every individual differs from the other. Remember that you can’t change your parents even if they are difficult to handle. So, here we have given some tips to handle difficult parents.


How to deal with toxic friends

Friendship is a blessing for everybody. Having blessed with good friends is something which everyone should cherish but sometimes some friends do harm you rather than actually being good to you. It is always better to say goodbye to your toxic friends rat

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