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How to deal with a difficult parent

deal with a difficult parent

Parents are after all individuals, and every individual differs from the other. Remember that you can’t change your parents even if they are difficult to handle. So, here we have given some tips to handle difficult parents.

Dealing with aggressive parents

Always be clear in your mind if you have no idea why your parents are angry with you. Get an answer from them instead of creating more confusion and aggression between each other. Think over it from their point of view and you will get a clear picture of what are they trying to tell you. Most of the times, they get stubborn to instill a hobby or interest in you, which you never realize may benefit you. Listen to them and respect their words. Once you initiate the act of listening, the next time you will notice that they are paying attention to you. They will also start respecting you and your thoughts. Eventually, your words will start to gain importance in your family discussions too.

Dealing with workaholic parents

Workaholic meaning those people who are very ambitious of achieving their desirable career goals. If you have workaholic parents, you will watch them working round the clock with not enough time in hands to pay attention to you. Hence, it becomes very difficult for you to turn to them for advice or for support as they hardly have any knowledge of what is going on in your life. If they do not have time for you, make it a point to meet them on weekends and keep yourself free for them. Dinnertime is a family time; tend to never miss it and utilize it for your benefit. Tell them about your day and ask about them too. In addition, if you get an opportunity plan picnics and outings, this way you will get to spend more time with them.

Dealing with strict and over-protective parents

For teenagers, dealing with over-protective and strict parents is really a task. Before you misunderstand them completely, make one thing very clear that are strict and over-protective because they are worried about you and want to keep you unharmed. The best way to deal with them is not to get angry but answer all their questions calmly. Tell them about your friends, the things you do in college, the festivals you have participated in, why you would have to stay in college for longer hours. You can also take a step ahead and call your friends at home or invite your parents to see you performance in college. This way through open conversation your parents will surely appreciate and encourage you more to do the things that you enjoy the most.

Dealing with argumentative parents

To deal with argumentative parents can be nightmare to children as they may be petrified with the amount of quarrels that go on in the house. There may be a possibility that their anger may flow into your direction. You may become the prey of their anger for no fault of yours. Such constant argument can lead to your parents eventually filing for a divorce. This is the time to forget your fear and try to talk to them and get to the root of the problem and if possible save your parents from divorce. Clear the air between them if it is just a mere misunderstanding. Tell them that you love both of them and cannot afford to lose them at all and that they should be together and stop constantly quarreling.

Dealing with ambitious parents

Ambitious parents are the kind who looks up to their children to fulfill the dreams, which they could not accomplish. Hence, they may coax you to participate or take up courses in which you are least interested. They may shower you with all their aspiration and hence overburden you, which you may not be able to handle. In the curse of fulfilling their dreams, you tend to miss out on what your passion and dreams are.

In cases as such, you need to communicate with your parents and let them know that you too have dreams of your own and wish to pursue them. If they are not listening to you at present, maintain patience. They will definitely listen to you later seeing your dedication and passion towards your goal. Discuss with them what methods you are using to achieve your goals and you will notice that they will definitely be impressed by your plans.

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