Located in Norway, Jostedalsbreen National Park encompasses the largest glacier on the European mainland. It was established in 1991 and in the year 1998, it was extended to the northwest. The total area covered by the park is 1,310 square kilometers and the glaciers cover almost 800 square kilometers. The highest peak lying in the park is the Lodalskapa at an elevation of 2,083m. Brenibba lying at 2,018 meters is the highest point of the glacier that is located in the park and the lowest lies at 350 meters above sea level.
The landscape lying around the park varies, within short distances you can observe beautiful scenic views comprising of u-shaped valleys and agricultural lands. The area of the park is dominated by two-river system namely Loen and Stryn, that contribute to the large flora and fauna.
Nigardsbreen Nature Reserve borders the park. At lower elevation of the park, flora is rich due to the water that flows down the valley. The arctic type of vegetation is found near to the glacier. Animals such as lynx, reindeer, wolverines, and red deer are found in the park area. Birds like eagles can be observed. The park is not simply a destination to enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty it offers, but the region also offers excellent venues for activities like skiing and hiking.
Image Source: VisitNorway