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Dos and don’ts of traveling in Islamic countries

traveling in Islamic country

Islamic countries may not be as fun as most non-Islamic destinations though their unique culture and heritage draws millions of travelers from around the world each year. Here are a few dos and don’ts that all travelers need to remember when traveling through an Islamic country.


1. Educate yourself about the laws of the country and city you’re visiting

Each Islamic country has its own set of unique laws. Before embarking on your trip, try to educate yourself about the laws of the particular country to know what areas you can and can’t visit, what behaviors are frowned upon and most importantly, what activities can land you in jail or get you fined.

2. Wear the appropriate dress

Male travelers can usually get away with wearing jeans and t-shirts when traveling though Islamic countries though the dress code is rather strict for female travelers. Depending on how conservative a region in the country is, you might need to wear a hijab or a veil, though wearing loose fitted clothes that reveal only your feet, arms and face/head is usually good enough.

3. Be open to asking for help

Even though Islamic countries get a bad rep for being too conservative, the people are actually very open about helping foreigners. It is usually a good idea to only ask for help from the people of your own sex. However, a good rule of thumb is usually to talk to a shopkeeper or a traffic cop instead of random strangers.


1. Don’t consume alcohol in public

Consumption of alcohol is considered a sin in Islam though non-Muslims are permitted to drink in licensed bars and restaurants. Drinking on the street will definitely land you in jail.

2. Don’t try to be too friendly with the men/women

If you are a man traveling through an Islamic country, you should be wary of trying to be friendly with women on the street. In some countries, even staring at women and taking their photographs without permission might land you in jail or worse. For female travelers, interacting with strange men on the street may also be considered immoral.

3. No PDA

For couples traveling through an Islamic country, public displays of affection are a big no-no. Married couples may hold hands but kissing and hugging in public are seriously prohibited. Also, sharing a hotel room with a boyfriend or traveling with men that aren’t related to you is severely frowned upon.

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