Booking flight tickets with discounts: Dos and don’ts to remember

Booking flight tickets with discounts

Booking flight tickets with discounts is how most people usually travel unless they are a high flying CEO that can put all his first class air tickets on the company tab. But, making such bookings can be tricky and you need to remember the following do’s and don’ts to avoid being taken for a ride.


1. Book a different airline for each leg of the journey

A lot of people tend to book connecting flights through a single airline to avoid the added research. However, if you book a different airline for each leg of the journey, you might be able to make bigger savings and reduce the chances of spending money in terminal shops during stopovers.

2. Book only if you’re 100% sure you will make it

Discount tickets often have a no refund policy. You should only book a discount flight only if you are a 100% sure that you would make it.

3. Book ahead

Booking ahead helps you save a heck lot on direct flights. Some airlines offer up to 30% off on regular prices if you book 3 or more months ahead. This tactic is usually beneficial for traveling home for the holidays or for flights that you MUST take (flying out for start of school, conferences, conventions).


1. Don’t forget to check halt time between connecting flights

One of the biggest scams that travelers looking for cheap air tickets fall for is the unmarked halt time between connecting flights. In fact, a ticket that appears $50-100 cheaper might end up costing you more than a direct flight if the halt time in between is too long as you might end up shopping or having costly meals.

2. Don’t blindly trust larger booking websites or travel agents

Most major travel booking websites and travel agents try to make a rich profit even through discount tickets through what they call “processing fees”.

3. Don’t pick a cheap airplane without researching reviews

A lot of people tend to be blinded by discounts offered by cheap airlines. However, the difference in ticket pricing is almost always reflected in the service and comfort offered by them too. Being sandwiched between two other passengers will feel less worth the $50 discount through a 9-hour flight.

4. Don’t forget to check what you will actually pay for the flight if you put it on a credit card

A lot of people blindly put discount air tickets on their credit card thinking they have landed a fabulous deal. However, the $50 or more bucks they may have “saved” might not be so profitable when you actually have to pay the credit card bill. Whenever possible, use a debit card or netbanking options to make actual savings.

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