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Celaque National Park

Celaque National Park is located a few kilometers away from the historical town of Gracias, and is the highest mountains in Honduras, containing the largest and highest cloud forest. For thousands of years it has been isolated, producing unique ecosystems with endemic species. At higher elevations below 1800 meters, the park houses pine oak forests. The park provides water to the local areas. It contains many small streams that provide the surrounding area with clean water year around. Celaque contains six of the seven pine species found in Honduras and eight oak species.

Cloud forests are water reservoirs. The vegetation collects the water from the air. When saturated, the water drips from leaf tips to the ground. This water reservoir guarantees a constant water supply to the surrounding communities even in the dry season. You may consider entering the park through the southern entrance or the western entrance. You can hire a guide in the nearby town to visit the park. You can cross the park from one end to the other or do a circuit. Along the way you’ll see small subsistence farming villages and share in their stories.

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