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Alcohol and Traveling: Do’s and Don’ts

Drinking and partying merrily are often associated with traveling. However, when you are traveling abroad, you need to take care of your drinking so that you can enjoy your trip without overdoing it. Of course, it is good to have a drink on a romantic evening or while strolling at the beach, but too much alcohol can not only make you nauseated, but it can also cause health ailments that might ruin your travel.

Here is a list of do’s and don’ts that you must follow while mixing the pleasures of alcohol with travel.

1.     Don’t be drunk when you fly

It is nice to try a celebratory cocktail or a beer when you take a seat on the flight. But if you are only trying it because you are bored or wish to get some sleep, then think again. On higher altitudes, the effects of alcohol are exaggerated, so even less might make you feel dizzy. Moreover, many people might overindulge in it, which may make you feel nauseated. Those with respiratory problems or cold must avoid alcohol on flight.

2.     Have water

Many people drink more while traveling abroad because of erroneous belief that drinking will help your body adjust to a new time zone. Most people consider that alcohol on flight leads to tiredness, therefore as soon as you reach your destination, you sleep and therefore the body adjusts to local time. But the truth is that alcohol-induced sleep is not deep and rather than making you feel strong and vital next day, it may just make you feel more lethargic. Therefore, drink more water, maximize your exposure to sunlight and try sleeping only at night. This way your body will automatically adjust itself.

3.     Take some time off alcohol

Try avoiding alcohol on your first day at your destination. It is understandable that the first night out abroad may be very enticing, but don’t give in to the temptations. Wait for 24 hours and then drink. Moreover, it is advisable that if you are going for extreme sports like mountain climb or scuba diving, avoid alcohol at least a day before.

4.     Enjoy yourself in limits

Just because you are on a vacation doesn’t mean that you can skip your medications, especially the ones for heart, hypertension or diabetes. Traveling stresses your body and drinking alcohol can stimulate those medical conditions. So, drink moderately. However, that doesn’t mean that you should stop enjoying yourself. Try casual drinks, but keep yourself hydrated so that the drinks don’t affect your body adversely. Avoid alcohol if you are planning sightseeing. Also, make sure that you get plenty of sunlight so your body automatically feels tired at night.

5.  Keep a check on how much you buy

Keep a check on how many alcoholic beverages you buy, especially when you are returning. Most of the airports do not allow you to carry liquids more than 3-1-1 allowance through security. In addition, 70 percent alcohol beverages are not allowed. So, do a thorough research beforehand.


Try these simple do’s and don’ts and your vacation would be even more memorable!

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