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How to deal with slackers

Everyone must have come across a person who would just refuse to work. Be it any kind of work. This person would just not be interested in performing the job and this has nothing to do with facts like the opinion of this worker is not favored or he receiv

How to deal with mood swings

The human brain constantly gets the inputs from the external world through the sensory organs. It is any one of these inputs which is responsible for altering your thoughts and thus results in a mood swing. Here are some tips to deal with mood swings.

How to deal with interviews

Facing interviews might be quite stressful for some candidates. If you learn certain techniques and manners, you can nail down any kind of interview easily. Use the following methods to achieve success in your interviews.

How to deal with pressure at work

One may be a business owner or an employee but a common thing binds both. Both face pressure at work. Pressure at work comes in various forms. You may be lacking behind in any assignment or an uncooperative colleague may be giving you sleepless nights. So

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