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deal with wedding stress

How to deal with wedding stress

Wedding is one of the biggest, happiest, and most significant events in one’s life. Probably that is the reason that it causes huge stress in would-be bride and groom prior to the occasion. To deal with wedding stress you can consult a pre-marital counsel

How to deal with a jealous friend

How to deal with a jealous friend

Jealousy can ruin relationships and spoil the life of the jealous person as well. Though friends are meant to support you through thick and thin, it is not unusual that you would meet friends who are sometimes jealous of your achievements and personality.

How to deal with pressure at work

One may be a business owner or an employee but a common thing binds both. Both face pressure at work. Pressure at work comes in various forms. You may be lacking behind in any assignment or an uncooperative colleague may be giving you sleepless nights. So

Emotion is a portion of human system

How to deal with emotional people

Emotion is a portion of human system. It is very normal to be emotional or sensitive about something or someone. However, the emotional quotient gets imbalanced sometimes and result in irrational effects on the person’s life and of others around him. Let


How to deal with customer complaints

When a customer feels comfortable in lodging complaints with an organization for its products or services, it is indeed a good sign for the growth of that company. Customer complaints form a way of achieving better sales, and at the same time it m


How to deal with a shy girl

It is almost difficult to find shy girls these days. But they do exist and many men do not know how to deal with them, making things awkward for them and scaring them off in the process. If you have gotten interested in a shy girl and do not have a clue a


How to deal with a complainer

We often come across people who have a misanthropic attitude and they hate any complain about everything and anything. It is a difficult job dealing with this kind of crybabies and the most important step we need to take is understanding them. Let us see

How to deal with a 3 year old

How to deal with a 3 year old

Your view of the world is skewed to that of your child’s. While your 3 year old always wants to push the boundaries and explore new things, you have your own set of rules which may not be flexible enough. Here are some steps which will help you in deali

Criticism throws light upon any decision or suggestion made

How to deal with unjust criticism

Criticism throws light upon any decision or suggestion made. It is generally offered for the betterment of an individual or an organization. Criticism can be at home or at workplace. Your parents may not be happy with a decision taken by you. Your boss ma

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