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How to deal with separation anxiety in relationships

There is no drugstore remedy for separation anxiety disorder as it is the outcome of extreme mental attachment of the sufferer with another person. Hence, only way to cope with the same is to create confidence by adopting various measures.

How to deal with domestic violence

Domestic violence can be physical as in hitting and assaulting, or it may be emotional as in always controlling, public humiliation, name-calling, criticizing, refusing to cooperate or being deceptive and manipulative. Here are a few steps that will help

narcissist at work

How to deal with a narcissist at work

Every office has at least one person who is a narcissist: let it be a manager, an office colleague or even a clerk. A narcissist tends to disrupt the smooth flow of operation and spoils a good office environment. This leads to less productivity, more chan

deal with bereavement

How to deal with bereavement

All of us have to experience the pain of losing someone loved and close at least a few times in our lives. Though, not all are equally good at dealing with bereavement and often people suffer from various problems due to it. So, it’s necessary to know how

How to deal with a nose bleed

Bleeding from the nose commonly occurs due to the damage of tiny blood vessels that line the inner side of the nose. Most nose bleeds are harmless, can occur due to excessive sneezing, blowing or drying of the nose. Blood can ooze out from one or both the

How to deal with rude people at school

In today’s world, the quality of rudeness has become inherent in many people. For school students, dealing with rude people can be quite difficult, as school students are still in their formative years. Here we have given some ways to deal with rude peopl


Guide on How to Deal with Bullies at Schools

Bullying is very common in schools and most of us would have such experiences where we could not do anything to stop the bully. They can harass the students and make their life hell. This is why it is important to know a few tricks to deal with bullies in

How to deal with fatigue

Fatigue can be induced by various factors. The reasons can vary from being physical, psychological, emotional to environmental. So, you must recognize and pin point the fatigue causing factors so that you know how to deal with them and your fatigue. The m

How to deal with disappointment

Disappointment is a much known word and a commonly experienced feeling. This feeling can present itself in various intensities. Sometimes it is very mild, lasts for a very short span of time and without leaving much impact on a person vanishes in thin air

How to deal with autism

Dealing with autism and raising an autistic child could be really difficult. There could be many days which would take away your entire power to keep up with such conditions. Here are some tips to help you deal with autism.

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