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How to deal with violence

How to deal with violence

It takes a lot of patience and tact to deal with a violent person. Violence must be dealt with a lot of caution as the person can become dangerous and can hurt you if you react against his will. In such cases, make sure that you exercise some control on y

How to deal with your partner's past

How to deal with your partner’s past

Discomfort and misunderstandings caused by a partner’s past is a problem that almost every couple faces at some point in their life and it can threaten the relationship seriously. The following are the steps which may help in dealing with your partner’s p

deal with over protective parents

How to deal with over protective parents

Most children find it difficult to deal with over protective parents. Being over protective is not bad; it just depicts your parents’ love for you. When you deal it in the right way, you can easily overcome this problem.

How to deal with embarrassment

All of us have to deal with embarrassment at certain points in our lives. While for some it is a deep and scarring wound that they will never forget, others learn to laugh it off and move on. Some others learn from their mistake and vouch never to repeat

How to deal with your anger

We all know that anger can be a really destructive emotion. It can show adverse effects on your health and if you are unable to deal with your anger skillfully, then it can affect virtually every other aspect of your life including relationships and caree

deal with a bullying boss

How to deal with a bullying boss

No one is perfect in this world, and so is your boss. Most of us find it very difficult to deal with bullying and abusive bosses. They may put you in a no-win situation, they can be downright bullies, inconsistent, or unprofessional towards you. Here are


How to deal with bad neighbors

Good neighbors can be very helpful; they will help you in collecting your mail, signing for packages and looking after your house while you are away and you may even become very good friends. However, if you are stuck with bad neighbors, they can make you

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