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How to deal with bulimia

Eating disorders like bulimia are not a matter of shame, provided you are willing to take steps to control it within time. The easier and more willingly it is taken, the quicker are the chances of getting back to a normal situation. Here are some ways to

How to deal with work related stress

In today’s world, high amounts of work load and associated stress has stolen many good night sleeps and health and happiness. Here is how you can beat it and bring back your peace of mind.

How to deal with anxiety and depression without medication

We live in anxious times but that does not mean that we need to be excessively worried and disturbed all the time. If you are a victim of unwarranted and inflated anxiety and depression that stand in the way of leading a happy life, you are suffering from

How to deal with down syndrome

Down’s syndrome is caused due to the presence of an extra inherited chromosome (47 instead of the usual 46) and the condition can be diagnosed soon after birth itself. Children suffering from this syndrome usually show a lag in language development and

How to deal with vertigo

Vertigo involves an illusion of irregular or whirling movement either of oneself or of the surroundings. There are some simple tips and solutions that will help you in dismissing extreme vertigo and will help you deal with sudden vertigo attack.


How to deal with a jealous wife

A wife who is jealous of your achievements and relations could put you in a great fix and make life difficult and worthless. Things become even more complicated as you cannot ignore your wife or leave her. Here are some basic steps that you can follow in

How to deal with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease which affects spinal cord and the brain. Approximately 400,000 individuals in the United States and two million people worldwide have multiple sclerosis


How to deal with an autistic child

Autism or Autistic Disorder – An Overview: Autism is the most prevalent one amongst other developmental disorders affecting the lives of many children and subsequently their families. More and more individuals are being diagnosed with this disorder; t

How to deal with worries

It is a universal fact that worries, along with accompanying stress and anxiety, play a significant role in our lives. They force the individual to live in irrational fear making it impossible to live normal life. They emit signals warning them of impend

How to deal with trauma

Traumatic experiences are one of the most difficult phases of our lives. However, what is even more difficult then it is the post traumatic stress and depression that follows such experiences. Here are some tips that can help you deal with trauma.

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