Autism or Autistic Disorder â An Overview:
Autism is the most prevalent one amongst other developmental disorders affecting the lives of many children and subsequently their families. More and more individuals are being diagnosed with this disorder; the reason may be is due to increase in awareness. The disorder is characterized by issues relating to the ability to socialize, limited communicative skills or problems in speech. Such children need assistance in order to complete simple tasks, are unable to sustain or develop any personal interactions and usually remain isolated.
Research shows that many other factors may be responsible for these disorders like defective nervous system, immune system related, some specific allergies, drugs, pollution, and other infections. It is a challenging task for parents and other family members to deal with an autistic child, however there are ways to make life better for you and for your child. Some solutions to deal with an autistic child are listed here.
Stay updated so as to better equipp yourself
Make yourself knowledgeable about the condition so as to develop, adopt ways to deal with your child. Study your childâs behavior thoroughly so as to understand and deal with situations which trigger disruptive response. This will also help to manage those troublesome times.
Stop comparing your child with other normal children and accept the way he or she is. Focus and appreciate their special quirks and assure that you are there for them with your unconditional love and support. This will further motivate them to perform better and be more productive. Maintaining consistency in your childâs surroundings works best, as, they find it difficult to adjust. Continuing therapy techniques at home, sticking to a routine even in their daily activities on a consistent basis is the best way to reinforce learning. Even if you want to implement any changes, it is required to start preparing your child before time. Acknowledge their small feats, so as to encourage them.
Make use of treatments and interventions soon after diagnosis
Therapies,other interventions can be started as early as possible and parents should not wait for the problem to become full-fledged. It has been seen that, the earlier such kids get help, the better they progress. The best suitable treatments include educational or vocations modes of therapies which mainly work to improve the developmental level of the individuals suffering from such disorders.
Some early interventions,therapies are available to support, improve the quality of life of people which have been benefit table for speech related problems, application of communication skills etc.
Dealing with intolerance to some foods and other problems
Autistic children may be allergic to proteins present in some specific foods. Parents can keep a track of such allergies so as to avoid such diet . Proper diet with required nutrients may result in betterment of the condition.
Children suffering from Autism usually are uncomfortable, more or less sensitive to intense light, sound, smells, heat, so the changes can be made so as to make the child comfortable,relaxed in their own environment.
Parent need to more considerate towards such children
Parents should be more considerate while interacting with such children as they are not clear in their thinking process and cannot properly communicate their feelings. It is important to be positive, affirmative about the whole thing and not jump into negative conclusions regarding how their life is going to be. Even though such children lag in some areas, they have an entire lifetime to learn and develop their abilities. It is also important for the people concerned to create an environment where the child feels safe, relaxed and secure as such children are prone to self-injurious and mild aggressive behavior at times.
It is also important to discipline your child at times, as disruptive behavior in autistic children is not always due to their disabilities .
Bond with people facing similar challenges
Increasing ties with other members facing similar challenges helps to deal with the condition as experiences are shared, different approaches can be tried along with the benefit of support and reducing feelings of isolation which parents of most Autistic children face.
Attend counseling sessions with the therapist, if stress, confusion is going around in you regarding your childâs problem. The therapist may guide and help you deal with the challenges in bringing up an autistic child.
Even though the level of disabilities may vary from one child to another, different interventions,therapies can vary their approach towards different situations and will help them to take charge of life in a better way.