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How to deal with difficult supervisors

If you work under a difficult supervisor, then going to work can be a challenging task and it can affect your confidence on your abilities. Here are a few suggestions to deal with difficult supervisors.

How to deal with getting fired

No one ever wants to be fired from his/her job. It’s something that everyone hopes will never happen, however, the fact is that it happens to the best of us. The best way to deal with getting fired is to be prepared in advance. Handle the situation gracef

How to deal with telemarketers

People find it quite annoying when telemarketers make voice calls to promote their products, services or special offers. Unfortunately, most people receive such calls during momentous times like during a meeting, while making presentations, when driving,

How to deal with a crazy person

How to deal with a crazy person

Dealing with a crazy neighbor, a crazy friend, a crazy colleague, a crazy family member or any crazy person is undoubtedly quite tough, and not everyone is aware of the correct ways of managing them. Read the tips given below to learn how to deal with a c


How to deal with old people

Elderly people have a lifestyle that is much different from the younger generation. So, there are many people who find it difficult to adjust with them. This may lead to bitterness in their relationship. Here are some ways in which you can happily adjust

How to deal with office gossip

People find it quite annoying when they hear gossips about themselves in their workplace. Though gossips aren’t a serious issue, sometimes it might lead you to a considerable loss, if you don’t solve them. Here are a few tips to deal with office gossips.

How to deal with a car salesman

How to deal with a car salesman

Several people enjoy the process of dealing with a car salesman. When it is about a car, adopt the attitude that you can walk away anytime if you can’t get what you want. This skill gives you the upper hand over all dealers, no matter how sneaky and knowl

How to deal with aggressive patients

If you are a general practitioner, you will come across patients of varying degrees of aggressiveness. While it is easy to deal with the verbally aggressive patients, it is very tough to deal with the physically aggressive ones. They may resort to pushing

How to deal with chronic complainers

Chronic complainers are people who are on the fault finding mission. Even a simple action like holding a conversation with a chronic complainer can be very irritating and annoying. Here are a few steps how to deal with a chronic complainer.


How to deal with annoying friends

There are different kinds of people in this world. Some may be jovial and kind, while some other may be irritating and troublesome. If you have annoying people as your friends, you could cope up with them easily using the following techniques.

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