There are different kinds of people in this world. Some may be jovial and kind, while some other may be irritating and troublesome. If you have annoying people as your friends, you could cope up with them easily using the following techniques.
Know the problem
You may feel uncomfortable during a casual talk with your friends. When you could realize this uncomfortable situation, try to find the reason for it. One of your friends might be talking bad about you or someone else who might be closely related to you. You must be aware of your feelings first; only then, you can feel your uncomfortable situation during such circumstances. Sometimes, the problem might be with you, if you are over-sensitive person and if you couldn’t consider critics as constructive feedback. Your friend might be good at them, but you may find him/her annoying. Find the cause for the troubles, but don’t utter any word about it to your friends. Doing so might further annoy you and your friends as well. Once you find the reason for your problems, you can easily overcome it with a few techniques and guidelines. Use your own experiences and analyze similar situations whenever you become uncomfortable.
Ignore the gossips
Gossips are one of the major reasons for the cause of irritation from your close friends. When they talk about someone behind their backs, you may feel bad about it. If they criticize someone who is closely related to you, it might worsen the situation and make you quite angry. You may not be able to get angry with them as they are your friends. Also, you cannot listen to their nasty talks too. In such circumstances, just ignore their talks as if you hearing nothing. Don’t take part in such conversations and divert your attention towards something else when they make gossips. If you find it hard to divert your attention, don’t hesitate to leave the place by lying them that you have an urgent work somewhere else. Forget their gossips and forgive them for their misbehavior. It will make you feel good as well.
Change the topic
When your friends don’t let you walk away from that place, you could neither take part in their discussion nor disengage from the conversation completely. During such circumstances, indulge in the conversation and change the topic of the discussion progressively. You must learn to divert their attention carefully without alerting them. If they find that you are about to change the topic, the whole idea will get ruined. Try to make traps in your speech that will make your friends to change the topic by themselves. Communication is an art; you must spend sufficient time to learn it. Patience is equally important in the learning process. If you fail during the initial attempts, boost up your confidence and proceed steadily. As time goes by, you will master your communication skills. You can then actively participate in any discussion and make them as satisfactory as possible.
Advice your friends
A good friend should point out his/her friend’s mistakes to him/her. Giving a few advises won’t hurt them in anyways. Even if they feel bad about getting advises from you, someday they will realize that you are truly caring for him. Don’t hesitate to talk with your annoying friends about their bad behavior. They might criticize you at first but they will definitely value your advises later. In fact, you can make advises in a funny and witty way to make them feel good about it. Most parents believe that a friend’s advises are more effective than their own. A bad advice could also ruin your friend’s life completely. So, try to give good advises to your annoying friend. Sometimes, it might bring a big change in your friend’s attitude.
End your friendship
If your annoying friends don’t change their attitude, then it’s better to end your friendship. Don’t hurt yourselves by having their friendships. You should not only be nice to your friends but also to yourselves. However, give sufficient time for your annoying friend to realize his mistake and change his attitude. If they could not still change their bad behavior, avoid your annoying friends forever. Initially, it might be hard to avoid them completely but as time goes by, you will adapt the change. In fact, you will feel good for taking the right decision to avoid them. Try to make friendship with guys who are jovial and friendly. After some days, you will completely forgive and forget your annoying friends. However, take this solution as the final option in dealing with your annoying friends.