Tasting wine with all your five senses is a different experience altogether that you miss while drinking. In my recent trip to Stobi wineries, I got that awesome feel that engrossed my senses. Winery visits often are included in my regular travel itineraries but Stobi presented a different ambiencethat had an additional layer of warmth.
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
Creating quality wine is a work of art that imparts a unique gratifying feeling to millions of connoisseurs across the world. Naturally, experiencing the intricacies involved in generating exquisite flavors poses enough attraction to me.
The first thing that struck me in Stobi Winery is the state-of-the-art facilities with which it has been created. Located in the municipality of Gradsko not very far from the ancient town of Stobi, the winery is modeled on the latest concepts of wine production so far as the design and technology are involved.
To my surprise, I found that this winery hardly has a match in the continent, even taking into consideration the French, Italian and Spanish wine producing giants. Since the process of wine production is a very delicate affair, there is no room for slightest error. Throughout every stage of production, it is a meticulously dedicated process that calls for a lot of expertise to bring out the best tasting wines.
First, I would like to thanks CEO and team of Park Hotel and Spa, Skopje for recommending this place and organizing a trip for me. I had a comfortable trip from Skopje. We boarded a private taxi and the entire journey was as pleasant as a soothing breeze. High in spirits, I enjoyed every bit of the trip as our cab cruised through the countryside with ancient churches and Gothic structures standing in places. We drove across lush forestry, amazing wineries and crossed over creeks that had sources in the majestic mountains standing at a distance. It was roughly an hour ride.
On reaching, a warm welcome from our host Mr. Ilija Gjorgier and his colleagues made me feel at home. It would be mention worthy that my trip to Stobi wineries would not have been so interest-rousing without the excellent guidance of our host.Apart from his guidance what appealed me most is his friendliness that he was able to generate all along the trip.
His feedback on winery management was highly educative that introduced us to the basics and subtle areas of wine technology. He practically elucidated us on vine farming and wine drinking tradition of the area.
Right from cultivation and upkeep of vineyards, distribution of grapes to winery till the culminating stage of manufacturing and bottling involving latest technology, it was an interesting story of wine production that held our attention till the end.
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
Finally, when it came to tasting some of the finest flavors, the feeling was ecstatic. A sumptuous mealfollowed that also bore exceptional culinary skills. I would specially highlight the lip-smacking meat preparations, they prepared roasted meat based on my preferences also prepared traditional pie and amazing desserts.It was traditional food presented in contemporary style. The food didn’t go to our stomach. It straight went to our heart.
The guide enlightened us on the subtle difference between types of wines. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t that expert to make out the difference. However, they were heady and delicious to the palate.
Exceptional brand names:
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
Macedonian wines are a legend. Stobi wineries have taken this fame further conquering new heights of finesse and taste. It has helped Macedonian wines get glorified brand names and come under the global limelight. Brands like Premium, Elite, Classic and Traditional are international winners. Even the bottles and corks have a classy finish!
Stobi Winery bagged 28 million Euro investments:
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
This is really an amazing figure I should admit. To make a spending to the tune 28 million Euro should be well worth the effort. Stobi winery facility has the potential enough to match the investment. Most modern methods of agriculture are employed to retain the excellence in quality. Every vine is cut precisely to match the desired growth and maturation. The cultivation procedure is free from contamination of pesticides and heavy metals. Only the best grapes from plantation are selected for wine production.
Other activities and areas of business opportunity:
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
Stobi winery is just not all about wine production story. The company is innovative with a crystal clear foresight about its future business potential. The winery has ambitious business plans. It is launching a massive drive to promote their wine tourism business. They are setting up hospitality projects and have penetrated into restaurant and resorts industry. With the traditional goodwill backing up their all-out efforts of diversification, a great future lies ahead.
The winery has a plush resort in Orhid not very far from the winery spot. It is a serene and colorful resort with modernized rooms offering spectacular views from the balconies. The floors are tiled and the rooms have flat screen television sets and refrigerator. There is a free WI-FI service too!
Image Source : StobiWinery.Mk
It is the unmatched hospitality of the hotel and management staffs that touched me most.Well, you may argue that what’s special in it as every hotel catering international guests are masters in it. But I felt here it was something different. It wasn’t artificial and customized. It straight came from their heart draped with extra warmth that genuinely turned on a button inside me. The wine tasted sweet no doubt, but the taste of hospitality was sweeter.