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Travel tips: Drug store essentials

Traveling is expensive enough as it is, never mind all the things you need to pack and take with you that add up quite a bit. There are so many requirements and restrictions these days that you have to adhere to before even stepping foot on the plane. To keep the costs low and make it easier we list five travel essentials you can find at your local drug store.


Over-the-counter medicines are available to prevent or cure the nausea you might experience on the plane. If you are sceptical of medication and its possible side effects, why not try safer alternatives. Ginger in the form of ginger ale or ginger beer is a good remedy, as are plain cookies that soak up excess moisture that might make you feel sick. Avoid eating anything fatty or sugary, as that will make you feel worse. Grab a pack of gum on your way to the till; the chewing motion helps unblock your ears and releases the pressure that builds up during takeoff or landing.


Essential snacks to take with you are those that do not melt or perish easily. You do not want to be on a long road trip in a hot car and stick your hand into a bag of melted chocolates. Trail mix is said to reduce the effects of jet lag, and it is a good source of energy. Add anything minty to your list of snacks – mint keeps you refreshed and awake and it helps with nausea. Carry water with you to stay hydrated, but this might be confiscated when going through customs at the airport as you have a limited amount of liquids you can take with you.


If you are just flying somewhere for the weekend there is no point in re-purchasing your entire stock of toiletries that you have back home. Because of the restrictions on what you can take with you on a plane, there are new travel-size products such as shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, lotion and more. There is even miniature dental floss, eye drops and hand sanitizer. Remember to take roll-on deodorant instead of the spray because the can is considered to contain liquids. Wet-wipes also come in handy if you want to clean your hands without having to find a tap or getting out of your seat.


Grab a magazine, a book, or a crossword puzzle collection to keep you busy on your journey. Drug stores usually have colouring books for kids as well as a selection of toys and other things to keep the young ones busy. Keep yourself entertained with a good book, the latest magazine, or a newspaper to keep up to date with current events. Alternatively, you can use your travel time to get some work done or to reflect – be sure to get a notebook and pen to jot down your ideas or take notes.


No one wants to reach their destination and then find that their luggage had been tampered with. Drug stores normally sell small locks for bags, bag tags, ‘fragile’ stickers and other things you can use to keep your belongings safe. To avoid a difficult situation with airport security, make sure you buy the transparent travel containers. The contents of these five containers add up to an allocated amount and must be placed in a see-through bag.


Ways to avoid a difficult situation with airport security, ways to make the most of the journey, and ways to reduce the stresses of traveling can all be found at your local drug store.

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