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Maiko National Park, Zaire

Maiko National Park, Zaire

Maiko National Park is located in Congo, Zaire, equidistant from Bukavu and South of Lake Kivu and lies near to the westward bend of Congo River. It was established in 1970 and covers 10,885 square kilometers of area. The park was first explored by Wildlife Conservation Society and is financially supported by the World Bank and European Community. The park is divided into three parts that includes the states of Nord Kivu, Maniema and Orientale. The fauna included in this area are the Okapi, the Congo Peafowl and Grauers gorilla. The Park vegetation is characterized with dense equatorial forest. The park is considered as an important site for the preservation of the African Forest elephant, aquatic genet and eastern chimpanzee.

The park has been a witness to various illegal activities such as uncontrolled mining and poaching on wildlife that began during the time when Simba rebels after their defeat inhabited the park area. The conservation work of the park has been hampered and has become as the threat to wildlife, which has increased due to Simba settlements. Apart from Simba community, three groups in the park are known to be active that are involved in illegal activites.

Image Source : CongoBioDiv.Org

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