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Ways of Using your Brain to Its Full Capacity


Is it Possible to Exploit the Brain Fully?

It is often said that human beings don’t use their brains to full capacity. It is unknown whether this is true or it is an absolute myth. None has yet been able to figure out the mystery behind complete usage of the human brain. Yes, the human brain is like an encyclopaedia that stores information. However, it hasn’t yet been found out as to how much information it can actually store and how much information can it recollect at the right time. The human brain is a matter of great mystery and this mystery is yet to be solved. A lot of research and navigation of the human brain is going on on a continuous basis. So, does one really use a small percentage of the brain or there is more to the story? Isn’t the brain supposed to be a widely used phenomenon? Did Einstein use 100% of his brain? Or did Newton for that matter?  Are brains of different people different? Why is someone average and someone else absolutely intelligent? Do legends have a different brain set up as compared to everyone else? It is said that an average human being uses only between 5 to 10 percent of his or her brain. Is this true and scientifically proven? Or it is possible for a person to use his or her brain to the fullest?


Yes, you can use your Brain fully

It is believed that this feature has been misread and miscalculated. If one tried, they could use their brain to the fullest. You don’t need to associate yourself to the likes of Einstein or Newton to be able to use your brain to the fullest. You yourself can do it on completing a few brain exercises on a regular basis. It is necessary to tap into this other 90% of your brain and make it a 100%. Is it possible to increase your intelligence? Yes, it is very much possible to increase your intelligence. You only need to put in the right amount of effort in order to do so and you are good to go. It is necessary to train yourself on a regular basis if you wish to sharpen your brain. It is not a day’s job. A whole lot of factors are dependent on the improvement of your brain. These factors need to be tackled step by step. You will soon find yourself becoming popular through the right kind of brain usage. You will go on to change people’s notion of you. However, for this you will have to go through the process of improving your intelligence religiously and you will soon find large changes taking place in your life. Brain is composed of many different parts which have their own specific functions.

Activate all Parts of the Brain


How to activate your brain isn’t a mysterious theory that needs to be solved. Your brain has parts and each of these parts, are designed for certain functions. You need to involve yourself in numerous functions so that none of your brain parts are inactive. It is often said the the left brain is meant for hobbies and the right brain for serious work and vice versa for some people. Why not keep both sides of your brain active throughout the day and see if you begin to get smarter by the day? It ought to be an interesting experiment with your brain. If you don’t use your brain fully, it will slowly begin to rust. A rusted brain did no good to anyone. Hence, the first step towards development of intelligence would be to keep your brain constantly active. If your brain is active all the time, it will go on improving thereby increasing your intelligence by a great measure. There have been lots of books and researches on how to use the human brain completely. Reading and following one of these books could help you out extensively. It is no rocket science; they are a few simple and easy habits that you need to inculcate in your daily life.

Get to Know your Brain

Get to Know your Brain

In trying to improve your memory and intelligence, you will soon become an exemplary individual. There is no dearth of people around the world who are involved in researching and experimenting on the human brain. There have been countless case studies of the human brain and brain mapping. If you want to use the brain to its capacity, you have to understand it to the fullest. Reading these case studies might help you get a hang of what is actually going on inside your head and the way that it all functions. Getting to know the contents of your brain will help you improve it and use them to their full capacity.

8 Most effective ways to unlock your full mental potential

Most effective ways to unlock your full mental potential

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you started using your brain to its full potential?  Many people work wonders simply by using the real strengths of their brains. No doubt, people who have expertise on different subjects, those who are equally good at many sports and those who have invented things that one has never imagined, have something special about them.

Nothing else makes sense but the fact that they know how to get the maximum outcome by using their brain to its full capacity. No wonder it would not be an easy target to achieve but if you have a strong determination and try hard, nothing is actually impossible. People who do miraculous things keep proving the fact. Let us have a look at a few very simple yet effective steps to use your mind up to its full potential:

Eat healthy, balanced and nutritious food

Eat healthy, balanced and nutritious food

Your energy level throughout the day and productivity depends on what you eat, if you do not take a healthy diet you can hardly expect yourself to be efficient at your work, let alone coming up with creative ideas to make your own identity. Try organic food, it is important that your intake includes food that is good for your brain. Eat pure foods especially those, which are closest to their original form. Mother Nature has blessed us with the best food to have a great combination of healthy body and mind. On the contrary, processed food always lacks the basic nutrients to keep your brain from functioning effectively.

Make sure you have a balanced diet to keep yourself smart and equally charged up all day long. Those who fail to maintain a balance diet usually have a lethargic body or a fragile brain that functions well but only to keep things going on. Grains, beans and Legumes help you get nutrients for your brain. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, fruits flush out the toxins from your body. Blueberries, salmon, avocados, eggs, dark chocolate, whole grains and even green tea helps your brain function better.

However, those who pretend to eat healthy by taking out fats from their menu make a big mistake as fats help sustain some very crucial functions of your body as well as brain. Stay away from junk food, that has a very low or almost no nutritional value and if you really want to witness the strength of your brain stay away from sugary drinks. Researchers believe that junk food and sugary drinks keep your body from absorbing essential nutrients, which are necessary for your brain to function better.

Enjoy quality sleep

Enjoy quality sleep

You must have had one of those days when you get up feeling relaxed and the reason you give which actually makes a lot of sense is that you had a good night sleep. It is important that you enjoy a quality sleep since it rejuvenates your mind to work effectively. Those who believe that a mere eight hours sleep is enough, may not be aware of the fact that it is more important to enjoy a quality sleep. A good night sleep helps your brain function well. Another fact is that it is much better to sleep at night as light keeps your body from absorbing certain nutrients.

Live a super-active life

Live a super-active life

An active lifestyle is important not just for your physical fitness, but also for your brain to function properly. Get up early in the morning and hit the gymnasium several times a week to keep your muscles function properly; in fact, exercise keeps the tissues of your brain active to function better. Those who hardly get involved in any physical activity are at a risk of having a comparatively faster physical decay of their brains.

Since our brain is the biggest metabolic system of our body, we need to exercise regularly to give it more energy. Not only this, if you follow a perfect routine of exercise you increase your cognitive performance, reasoning, attention, problem-solving ability and long-term memory too.



Researchers at Harvard University based on their study conducted in year 2000 opined that meditation helps you increase the size of your brain regions. If you are still wondering, you must be aware of the fact that these brain regions have a direct link with focused attention, memory and thoughts. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that those who meditate on regular basis stay away from depression, fear, anger, anxiety and stress. When such are the effects of meditation, then one must include meditation in his/her daily routine.

Learn even more

Learn even more

Learning never ends actually but those who make it a point to continue learning new skills all their lives are always brainy and creative people. Since they keep learning new things, they never go out of innovative ideas and thoughts. Keep your brain on the go; get enrolled for a new course not for the sake of earning a degree but to keep yourself equally active to learn new things, if not anything else learn a new language. An active brain is always ready to accept new challenges that sharpen it even more.

Avoid multitasking

Avoid multitasking

People who believe that they are good at multitasking always boast of their ability to do that, but actually, they only divert their attention between different tasks. When you try to finish one task and get to the next one you hardly get time and energy to focus on any task with all your heart, which eventually affects your efficiency at almost everything. A famous researcher from Stanford University, Clifford Nass believes that multitaskers actually are terrible at each aspect of multitasking. Those who feel that with time they have learnt to be effective at different things together are worse cases of multitasking as compare to those who practice it occasionally.

Feed positive thoughts to your brain

Feed positive thoughts to your brain

Researchers have proven that stress and anxiety destroy the already existing brain neurons and hinder the growth of new ones that affect your performance negatively. Positive thoughts prompt positive outcomes of your efforts. Develop a positive frame of mind as positive thinking instigates the formation of new cells that help you get rid of stress and anxiety.

Get involved in creative activities


Find ways to get to know how much time you actually stick yourself in front of a TV to watch your favorite series or your computer screen to browse internet. The shocking reality is that all this time your brain is actually on sleep mode. One must find ways to get involved in creative activities like reading or writing his/her favorite subject to let brain function efficiently.

As they say ‘use it or lose it,’ when you keep challenging your brain each passing day, you come face to face with the reality that nothing actually is impossible when you master the art of using your brain to its full potential. You can excel at everything you do in life when you get familiar with the untapped portion of your brain.

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