You can achieve great heights if you believe in yourselves. The great thing you can achieve in life is to know about yourself. If you have strong determination and will power, there is nothing in the world that can beat you. Everything in the universe will work to achieve your goal. This is the power of your mind. Mind is strange, it acts differently. Whatever you feed it, it will act likewise. If you want to remain a coward, you can always remain to be a coward. But if you want to come out of that, then you should make conscious effort and change yourself. No one from outside can do that for you. All your friends, books, magazine can only help you. They cannot change you. The change happens only with your permission. If you have decided and determined to step out, then there is nothing out there to stop you. The hardest battle is between you and yourself, if you are able to win this battle, you can win your life. Most of the people don’t know the importance of will power. They don’t understand how a majestic force it is. Some people easily give up. Your will power is nothing but your spirit to fight and prove yourself right. It is not about listening to people and giving up your dreams and desire. It is about believing in you.
Will Power the Greatest Human Strength
This will power is nothing but self control and perseverance. There will be thousand distractions out there but a person who has strong will power will know how to work through that distraction and achieve the goal. There will be so many people around you to discourage you and tell you what you are doing is not right or you can’t do it. The person, who believes in themselves, will not listen to these words, instead work hard to achieve the goal and will prove to the world that he is right. Will power is the greatest human strength. There are so many people who died of cancer and some who come out of it. How is that possible? People who survived cancer has great inner power, they had the determination and believed that they can come out of it. They had a good fight with it and at the end they succeeded. It is a constant fight and not to give up till you win. As said above, your body reacts according to what your mind say. So you should be very careful about what you are feeding to the mind. You can achieve this by taking small steps at a time. If you are overweight and doctors prohibited you from eating chocolates, then your self control starts from there .It is your ability to say no to it no matter how delicious it might be. This is how you should develop your will power, by never giving into temptations.”Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on its stated purpose.”