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The gates to heaven

The gates to heaven

A traveler who was on his way to a nearby village had his horse and dog walking along. They were tired and thirsty when all of a sudden a thunderbolt of lightning struck them. The traveler did not even realize that he had died already and kept moving forward with his horse and dog. A long and tiring journey that never seems to end made them feel exhausted.

traveler with two friends

After travelling a few miles traveler came across a magnificent gateway. A beautiful girl was waiting standing there to escort him. He moved forward and asked, “What is this place?”

“It is heaven. You can come inside and have what you want. You do not even have to pay for anything,” the girl replied.

“Can we get some water to drink here,” the traveler asked.

The girl said,” yes, of course, you can come inside.”

“I have my horse and dog with me. They are also thirsty. My horse is about to die of thirst.”

“No, you cannot bring animals here. You can leave them outside or go somewhere else,” the girl answered.

The gates to heaven

The traveler left the place and started walking again. After an hour’s journey, he found another gateway where a young man was standing at the porch.

The traveler asked, “What is this place?”

“It is heaven and you are welcome to come inside,” the man answered.

The traveler lost got confused and said,” Stop playing games. We are thirsty and we have no time to waste. My horse is dying of thirst. The place we went an hour ago was called heaven and this place is also heaven. How could it be possible?”

The gates to heaven

“No, that was not heaven. That is hell. Those people who abandon their loved ones may take shelter there. Heaven is for those who do not sacrifice their valuable relationships for their selfish means,” the man replied.

It is difficult to have meaningful relationships in life. You must value your loved ones and hold them close to your heart.

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