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The greatest sacrifice

tears in his eye

Every time she used to visit his school to meet his teachers, his fellow students used to laugh at him.

‘’Your sister walks lame. She looks like a lame witch who can slit anyone’s throat in a minute. Don’t you get scared of her?” kids used to tease him with all kind of stupid comments.

The kid hated his sister since he thought she was the reason why he was laughing stock at his school.

“You want me to get embarrassed in front of my classmate, that’s why you come to my school,” the boy once told his sister.

His sister kept quiet and stared at him as if she had nothing to say.


The boy really wanted to get rid of his sister who he thought had made his life a living hell. Everyone in village used to make fun of him due to his sister who even he thought was terribly scary. The boy started studying hard to go out of the village so that he no longer had to be the victim of shame and embracement. He stood first in school, went to city to study in college and even got a chance to study abroad. He got married to a beautiful girl and had kids. During all these years, his sister kept waiting for him in the village but he was happy with his adorable family in the city.

One evening when he was sitting in his living room, he heard his kids yelling and shouting at someone. He came out to the room to find that his elder sister was standing outside. He lost his cool the moment he saw his sister and started yelling at her.

He asked, “Why have you come here?”

“You scared my beautiful kids. I thought you were dead already but you are really shameless.” The boy said.


The sister had tears in her eyes but she was not at all surprised at her brother’s behavior since she had seen the worse. She left the place and went back to the village quietly.

After a few months, a relative who used to live in some other city came to visit the brother. He asked the boy about his elder sister and the boy told him everything. The relative took no time to understand the whole story and said, “What you have done with your elder sister has set an example for others. No sister would dare to take care of her brother who has no one else in the world.”

The boy got surprised and asked, “What are you saying?”

“Your sister was still young when your parents died. She could have got married and spent a good life but she chose to take care of you. She never got married simply because she did not want to leave you on your own. Your sister worked hard to get you educated and did not hesitate to sacrifice her own life for your sake. In an attempt to save your life, she met with an accident that took her left leg,” he added.

tears in his eye

The boy had tears in his eyes. He at once packed his bags to go to the village. There was no one in his house when he reached there in the village. He thought his sister must be working in the fields. The moment he came outside, a neighbor came and told him about his sister who had died the day she had come from the city.

The boy started crying as he had lost the most important person of his life. Do not make decisions without knowing the whole truth. Life hits you right in the face when you are full of arrogance and fail to understand the basic realities.

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