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gossiping co workers

How to deal with gossiping co workers

Most of us often find it hard to keep up with people gossiping about us everywhere and if it is your workplace then it is really challenging for you to perform well. Here are some solutions to deal with those jerks and get away with their gossiping habit

deal with debt collectors

How to deal with debt collectors

Getting behind to pay bills and owing a considerable amount of money to various contracts is a terrible position to be in. But don’t worry, even if you are neck deep in debts, you still have your rights to tackle your situation in a rightful manner.


How to deal with credit collectors

Credit collectors have a work profile which does not work in favor of most of the people. Interactions with them can be a real pain at times and handling a situation with collectors can be extremely tricky and frustrating. But don’t worry, here’s what you


How to deal with insubordination

Insubordinate workers not only threaten the harmony of the workplace but can cause immeasurable loss of productivity and bring down employee morale among the rest of the workforce. All forms of insubordination present peculiar challenges for managers, tea

Difficult people at the workplace

How to deal with bad co-workers

Difficult people at the workplace can really make your life stressful. Bad co workers will make you want to pull your hair out. But you can hardly do anything as you need to work with them every working day. But do not despair as there are some really goo


How to deal with a jerk

No matter where you go, you will find jerks everywhere, be it your workplace or any social gathering. Avoiding them is perhaps the best way to deal with such people. However, this measure may not work every time. Here are some effective measures which can


How to deal with a passive aggressive boss

If you have ever felt like you’re constantly being shut out at your workplace because of your boss’s indifferent behavior towards you, then you have a passive-aggressive boss for sure. The entire feeling of being ignored and cold-shouldered is extremely n


How to deal with being bullied

Mostly school children bear the brunt of being bullied and it gets worse at times when the person who is bullied feels alone and scared. Losing sleep, having headaches, eating abnormally less are some of the symptoms you can face during this tough phase.

deal with problem employees

How to deal with problem employees

Difficult people are no problem if we pass them on the road but they can prove to be real irritants at workplace. They can show up late, leave office early and will have an excuse for every failure. The problem employees can be a source of embarrassment f

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