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Jealousy creates a very uncomfortable environment

How to Deal With Jealousy in Any Type of Relationship

Jealousy creates a very uncomfortable environment for both the partners in a relationship regardless of who is facing it. Researches show that fear of abandonment and lack of security are the main reasons for partners to be jealous.

Jealousy is an intense emotion

How to deal with jealous girlfriend

Jealousy is an intense emotion which if unchecked in the initial stages can cause harm to a person. It is responsible for end of relationships in many cases. Jealous individuals always live in the fear that their partners do not love them and will eventua

How to deal with anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks can be so disruptive that they can cause extreme distress and paranoia if left untreated. A pounding heart, excessive sweating and general irritability are symptoms associated with an anxiety attack and in most cases, people do not know wh

teach kids to deal with bullies

How to teach kids to deal with bullies

It is a fact that kids who are weak and do not know how to react are constant targets of bullies. Therefore, parents must be proactive and teach them to be self sufficient to deal with bullying in school. Here are a few things you can teach your kids.


How to deal with aggressive people

While aggressiveness can come in handy in many situations that require force and manipulation, in most cases, aggressiveness can be difficult to deal with. It is also true that an aggressive person can get violent and dangerous anytime. Here are some ways

How to deal with worries

It is a universal fact that worries, along with accompanying stress and anxiety, play a significant role in our lives. They force the individual to live in irrational fear making it impossible to live normal life. They emit signals warning them of impend

How to deal with being lonely

At some point of time, every human being experiences loneliness. Being lonely is not a curse and you can easily overcome it. Here are some tips on how to deal with loneliness.

How to deal with a flirt

How to deal with a flirt

Most people who are flirts do not mean any harm, but if flirting becomes increasingly irritating and happens in an office or educational institution, you might either be sending mixed signals or not being firm enough to stop the advances. Here is how to d

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