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How to deal with your mother

There is no other person on this earth that can ever replace your mother. She is the one who has brought you in this world, and there is hardly anyone else who understands you more than her. However, sometimes even if you are right she may disagree with y

deal with a difficult roommate

How to deal with difficult roommate

If choosing a roommate is in your hand, then dealing with them is not an issue. However, things go wrong when you have to deal with a difficult roommate. This can be both uncomfortable as well as challenging, but there are ways you can apply to deal with


How to deal with your family

Now a days, everybody around the society has a problematic family or difficult family members. Sometimes it is very hard to control your emotions and deal with your family happily. But, keeping certain points in mind will definitely help you cope up with

How to deal with panic

Panic is something everyone faces at some point in their lives. Knowledge of dealing with such situations is helpful when one is faced with such stressful incidents.

How to deal with autism

Dealing with autism and raising an autistic child could be really difficult. There could be many days which would take away your entire power to keep up with such conditions. Here are some tips to help you deal with autism.


How to deal with two year olds

Dealing with a two year old child can be a daunting task for all parents. At this age, kids can be extremely energetic and want to explore and do things according to their desire. Some rule, commands and restrictions have to be made to keep the kids under

How to deal with nervousness

No matter how skilled or talented a person is, they must have to overcome their nervousness and perform when it matters because the world judges you on the basis of your results and not your attempt. Following are the steps which may help you overcome ner

deal with an abusive wife

How to deal with an abusive wife

Abuse of any kind can be very difficult to deal with. If the abuse comes from the wife, in most cases, the people involved part ways. Here are some ways to deal with an abusive wife before you call it quits.

How to deal with pressure at work

One may be a business owner or an employee but a common thing binds both. Both face pressure at work. Pressure at work comes in various forms. You may be lacking behind in any assignment or an uncooperative colleague may be giving you sleepless nights. So

How to deal with your anger

We all know that anger can be a really destructive emotion. It can show adverse effects on your health and if you are unable to deal with your anger skillfully, then it can affect virtually every other aspect of your life including relationships and caree

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