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deal with being alone

How to deal with being alone

Loneliness often leads to insecurity and depression in many. You can enjoy being alone and combat with loneliness by helping yourself with some simple tips listed below.


How to deal with spots

Spots on the face are the first signs of getting blackheads and then acne. These can be dealt with as soon as they appear and hence prevent acne and pimples. Dealing with them in the natural way is most recommended and hence prevents acne from appearing.


How to deal with a depressed spouse

Your spouse is your soul mate and hence understanding his or her feelings is very important. You would not want to see your spouse depressed over petty issues or situations which he/she does not like. Help him/her deal with this depression and get back to


How to deal with procrastination

Some or the other time, each one of us suffers from procrastination blues. Here are some tips to stay away from procrastination and have our eyes set on our goal.

deal with a passive aggressive person

How to deal with a passive aggressive person

Passive aggressive people are always pessimistic about everything in life even when everything is going really well. They always believe that their personal failure is because of other people and hence keep on cribbing over things. They always avoid work

deal with the terrible twos

How to deal with the terrible twos

A child undergoes many stages of development – physical, emotional and mental. ‘Terrible Twos’ is a stage when toddlers display increased need to be independent. This includes making both rational and unreasonable choices. Here are some ways to de

How to deal with domestic violence

Domestic violence can be physical as in hitting and assaulting, or it may be emotional as in always controlling, public humiliation, name-calling, criticizing, refusing to cooperate or being deceptive and manipulative. Here are a few steps that will help

deal with anger towards parents

How to deal with anger towards parents

Anger can emerge as an ingredient in parenting, meant essentially for the betterment of children. However, when the boundary between ‘anger’ and ‘danger’ becomes insignificant, it is time to escalate the limit to avoid serious damage to the relati

How to deal with anxiety attacks in children

Anxiety or panic attacks in children are quite common. Some children are either nervous or scared in different environments such as starting a new school or socializing with friends and family. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate such panic

deal with bad behaviour

How to deal with bad behaviour

Facing the instances of bad behavior is a difficult task for all those people who are much concerned about their self respect and are more concerned about their social image. As against these circumstances, people still face bad behavior in private and pu

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