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How to deal with a selfish man


Selfishness is an attitude that makes people to care about themselves alone. Selfish men are found everywhere in the world. They always exhibit negativity towards themselves and others as well. Though, it’s quite annoying to move along with selfish men, there are several ways to deal with them. Here are a few tips to manage selfish man easily.

Analyze the reason

Being selfish is not bad as long as it doesn’t affect the other person near him. You may meet a number of selfish men in your routine life. Walking away from a selfish guy is definitely not a solution to deal with them. Sometimes, you may find this peculiar attitude in your partner, children, close relatives or friends. If you like them very much, don’t hesitate to lend your hands to help them. First, analyze the reason for their selfish behavior. They might have become selfish by following other selfish people’s behavior. Some men become selfish due to unfavorable situations and circumstances. So, try and find the reason for their vague behavior. Once you become clear with the reasons, you may then think about suggesting a good solution to make them aware of their selfishness.

Keep your conversation simple

If you meet selfish men daily in your life, make sure that you keep your conversation simple and clear with them. If you let them open up their views, you will be bound to listen to their conversations unwillingly. You may be forced into a situation where you can neither avoid them nor listen to them. But, if you make your points clear and in a crisp manner, they might run out of chances to initiate conversation with you. Be smart, or at least try to act smart when you approach selfish men. If you practice this technique frequently, you will become capable enough to face any kind of selfish men in your life. However, don’t try to overact when you deal with selfish men. If they find your intention, they might start annoying you purposefully.

Make them aware

If your loved ones are being selfish, then don’t mind to help them get rid of their selfishness. You may let them know about their selfish behavior. But, don’t mention it directly. Make a casual chat with them and cite examples of some other people who are being selfish. Once they realize that they themselves possess similar attitude, definitely, they will change themselves. This technique works pretty well with one’s partner, children and relatives. In reality, there are several other ways to let your loved ones know about their selfishness. If you are good with sarcasm, you may use it. Else, you may crack jokes with a message in it. Humor too works well when you use it cleverly to pass a good information. However, don’t try to mock them by any means. It might hurt them badly.

Think positively

As mentioned earlier, selfishness is a vague behavior. Every human being is unique and possesses both positive and negative qualities in them. Try to find the positive traits of the selfish men you face in your life. Focus your attention on their strengths and appreciate them. Diverting your attention towards their negative points will irritate you badly. The power of positivity is enormous. Initially, you may find it difficult to think something positively about selfish men. As you practice it, you will forget their negativity. Thinking from the positive point of view will not only help a selfish man, but will also help you to deal with them easily. When you change your attitude towards them then obviously you will get rid of your problems.


If none of the above mentioned techniques work favorably then just ignore the selfish person’s behavior. However, don’t avoid them; just ignore those particular instances. If they complain you about something, act like as if you were listening them; but, divert your attention on some other good thoughts. Make sure that the other person don’t get a chance to recognize the techniques you use to deal him/her. Ignoring someone when they make a conversation is quite hard. However, with sufficient practice, you may learn to use it effectively. Walking away from selfish men is just a temporary solution. Therefore, prepare yourselves to face selfish men boldly. After some days, you might become an expert in dealing with selfish guys.

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