How to deal with anxiety attacks at home

Anxiety attacks happen when the level of stress or anxiety in a person crosses the limits of manageability and go out of hand. According to an estimate, about 20 million people in the US are victims of this social disorder. Learning to deal with anxiety attacks at home is of great advantage since leaving it untreated will make your life horrible.

Train your mind to deal with anxiety attacks

Self help is the best help when it comes to dealing with anxiety disorders at home. Experiences show that mind is the biggest culprit behind the episodes of panic and anxiety attacks. After the first attack, most of the people will be over conscious about the impending attack. This fear in mind about the forthcoming anxiety attack itself leads to more stress and depression.

Once you feel that your body is showing signs of panicking try to cool yourself down and divert your attention to something more productive. Never entertain those fear thoughts that your mind is nurturing, but channelize your mind and attention towards some effective ways to make things better. Whenever you sense the signs of anxiety attacks, engage your mind with happy thoughts and memories. Lie down in a comfortable place and breathe in and breathe out for a few minutes till you feel the heaviness in you is lessened. Just console yourself with the statements, “I will be okay”, “I am going to be fine” verbally and you will feel that your worries are getting vanished. Learn to control your mind as this is where the problem originates. Practice these simple tips at home whenever you feel panicked. With your strength and will power you will be able to overcome anxiety attacks.

Breathe your panic away

Breathing techniques are excellent natural ways to handle anxiety attacks when you are at home. Though it may sound too simple, breathing exercises are worth a try. Though breathing is an incessant activity that everyone indulges in without much thought process, it can be of great help in controlling panic and anxiety.

When you feel nervous and worried, you tend to take thoracic or chest breathing, meaning swift and superficial breaths perturbing oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. This leads to augmented heart rate, faintness, muscle stress and other physical commotions. Since you are breathing using your chest, lungs will not get filled properly. But if you take a break and consciously take deep breaths, you will feel how easily you gain control of your senses and the symptoms of anxiety attacks are eased away. Practice several deep and slow breaths while at home to take control over the early symptoms of anxiety attacks.

Inculcate positive attitude

Anxiety treatment with positive thoughts is a very effective and useful way to manage anxiety attacks at home. We have already seen the importance of controlling your mind and thinking patterns. It is also important to encourage positive thinking and attitude in yourself to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. Try to engage yourself in thought modification process and replace negative thoughts with cheerful and good ones. Make it a practice to reflect on all the fine things that have happened in your life. This will mitigate needless strain and concern and breed positive energies. Pronounce some motivational statements everyday when you wake up. A smiling face will not only make others happy but will create an uplifting feeling in you. Don’t hesitate to laugh at lighter moments and keep yourself less stressed. When you feel that your mood levels are down, engage in some pleasant activities and keep yourself busy always.

Relaxation techniques

Practice relaxation techniques on a daily basis as it is the best way to fight terrible episodes of anxiety attacks. These techniques are very effective in composing your spirit, body and mind. As mentioned above, deep breathing exercises are one of the important relaxation techniques. Yoga helps in practicing effective breathing exercises that will wipe away all elements of anxiety from your mind. Another key relaxation technique is meditation. Meditation is an excellent tool to relieve anxiety and stress. Involving in meditation sessions regularly will clear the mind and quiet physical signs of tension or nervousness. Meditation will also enhance emotional well-being. Laughing and muscle relaxation exercises are other significant relaxation techniques. Make it a habit to engage in some physical exercises daily.

Medical treatments

Medication is the last resort for people who are victims of anxiety attacks more frequently. Medication should be combined with other non-drug treatments and lifestyle changes. Benzodiazepine is a popular traditional anti-anxiety drug. But this medicine tends to be extremely addictive and exhibit serious withdrawal symptoms. Antidepressants and beta-blockers are some other medicines to fight anxiety attacks. These medications should be taken not only in the instance of anxiety attacks, but daily.

It is better to depend on the natural methods to combat stress and anxiety. Drugs do not solve the underlying problems but it will just give some temporary relief. One should use drugs to calm anxiety only under medical prescription.

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