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How to deal with girls

How to deal with girls

Girls are a mystery and dealing with them requires a lot of practice and tact if you really want to earn their love and be in their good books. Though all girls are different, keeping a few basic points in mind will help you keep all types of personalities happy.

Be caring and considerate

The first thing a girl would look in a person is his behavior. Being caring and considerate towards them and a willingness to help them out in difficult situations will win a lot of brownie points with them. Guys who know this rule will make a conscious effort to help every girl in trouble and this is why they are always popular with girls even though they may not be known as particularly good among you guys. Always give girls a preference and importance when you deal with them. This will cause them to develop a natural liking towards you. Little things like asking them if they need help in a certain situation, allowing them to go ahead of a queue if it is getting too late for her etc. can earn you high points among the fairer sex.

Shower praises and compliments

All girls love compliments, whether it is about their looks or achievements. A guy who is generous with compliments, especially if the compliments are honest and genuine will always have a soft corner in a girl’s heart. It’s a natural female instinct and guys who want to earn a certain girls affection should always keep that in mind. However, showering every girl with false praises and compliments is not encouraged as girls can easily see through your intentions, even though you might be able to get close to a few of them who are really not worth getting close to. If you want genuine affection from a girl, be genuine in your dealing with her and compliments her for her achievements.

Chivalry and courteousness rule

If you though that chivalry is old school, think twice! The old virtues of chivalry, courteousness, loyalty, valour, courage, gallantry are all qualities that women still look for and die for even in today’s world. These qualities are rare in men and if you want to really make a mark a huge furore among girls, think about adapting a few of these qualities so that girls may swoon over you. Open doors for them, be faithful in love, show strength and courage in time of trouble, never hesitate to rescue the damsel in distress and stand up for the rights of the poor and downtrodden. All these must not be done by putting your life at risk as there are not enough chivalrous people around who would come and rescue you in time of trouble just to outdo you in chivalry. So use tack and good sense when you want to be valiant and honorable.

Be honest and truthful

Honesty and truthfulness always get full marks among girls, even if it spoils your name and reputation. So go ahead and show your mettle. If you have been wrong and have done unspeakable things, be ready to regret it and admit it unashamedly among girls. Ensure that you are either genuinely regretful or at least keep a face that shows that you are truthful. Girls will readily pardon a guy who admits his faults and who are willing to correct the mistake and apologize for the faults. Their forgiving and emotional nature comes into play here and you must do your best to stimulate this part of their brain if you want to impress girls and become popular among them. Again remember to remain honest and truthful after you have shown regret towards your actions, failing which you will just have the opposite effect which could be disastrous.

Treat them with respect

All girls would love boys who treat them with respect. Respect for women is one of the basic qualities that a man should have in order to be able to keep a woman happy. Imbibe this quality into your personality and you will see that you are quite popular with girls. Respect for girls should show in your speech, manner and general attitude toward them. It is these little things that make yourself endearing among girls. It is important to understand that girls love guys who are very good mannered and have a genuine concern towards them. Treat them with the respect and kindness they deserve and see how you evolve as a person.

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