Backstabbers are insecure people who do not like others getting the benefits or the accolades that they feel they deserve. It can be a real pain to deal with such people and one must be very careful while dealing with them too. Here are some ways for dealing with backstabbers at work.
Get the facts
When the backstabber is at work, he/she will make sure that all the important people are aware of what is being spread about you. That way the backstabber will get a crude enjoyment and will feel elated that he/she is on the right track. Eventually, you will get to hear as to what is being circulated about you. Do not react on an impulse. Get to know all the facts about what the backstabber has fabricated about you and be ready to explain otherwise if an explanation is sought from the management. Be cool and logical and also confident as people who are transparent need not worry much about having to explain what they have not done. It is also difficult to spread rumors about honest people and make others believe as well. So, keep your cool and enjoy the show if you have a clean record. You most probably do not need to explain yourself to anyone after all.
Keep your colleagues in the know how
The best thing to do is to keep your friends and colleagues informed about what is being spread about you. They would already be aware and might have alerted you as well. Good friends and colleagues who trust you will ensure that others do not believe the rumors that are being spread about you. They will earnestly try to dispel the rumors and would help you deal with the problem by offering moral support. It is important to understand that backstabbers have a certain time to spread rumors before people start seeing through their motives. In most cases, the rumors die a natural death, especially if you have a good rapport with your colleagues and management and they know you all too well to even question you about your integrity.
Ignore the insinuations
When you are sure that you do not have to go through scrutiny from your colleagues and when they have offered their undying support for you, you can relax now. Do not ponder over the rumors and learn to ignore the person and the rumors that he has circulated. Once the rumor reaches its saturation point, it will die a natural death and the backstabber will look for other options that he/she can explore and create a friction and flutter elsewhere. Therefore, ignore the episode and continue with your work and life. A long as you have good friends, colleagues and family, no one can touch you, let alone taint your reputation by triggering off a rumor that is a mere figment of their imagination. Let them explore their imagination and have fun while you concentrate on your life.
Confront the backstabber
If you are the daring type, you might want to confront the backstabber or even aim a few backstabbing sessions against that person as well to get even with him. This, however, may not be a great idea unless you are prepared to face the wrath and disgust of a few friends and colleagues. Confront him only if you are very sure about his involvement and if you know that what is being spread about you is indeed fabricated by him. Sometimes, rumors change course when being spread and the end result might be an even more explosive story than what it was when it started off. Another backstabber might be at work in such cases and you may be confronting the wrong person after all. Also, spreading rumors about the backstabber should be done carefully as people really do not want to support or respect or even sympathize with people who take revenge, even if you were the target in the first place.
Explore other options
If the backstabber is a person who is very successful and difficult to confront or stop, you must look for other options like moving out of the job. A successful backstabber could be difficult to deal with and sticking on to the job might also mar your chances of growth in the company. Your opportunities and improvements will always be tampered with and limited and you will always be unhappy and subdued.