It is normal for a would-be mother to feel anxious and get panic attacks during and after pregnancy. However, worrying and being stressful can have a negative effect on you as well as on your baby’s health. Therefore, you must follow some tips to cope up with your depression and anxiety, which will keep you healthy and cheerful.
How to Deal with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, she has a lot to think about like the baby, its birth, its upbringing, and many more things. This thinking process brings anxiety and stress during pregnancy. One has to learn how to curb down the anxiety.
1. Talk it out with friends and closed ones
It is better to clarify all your doubts and get rid of unnecessary fear. The best way to do so is by talking to someone you trust like your husband, friend, relative, or your doctor. Tell them about your worries and know their views about your problems. It might be possible that most of your fears are just your imagination. Once you get your doubts clarified, you will feel more relaxed and happy. Discussing your views can help you to get rid of your fears. If you do not have anybody to have words with, another great way is to collect information online or through magazines and journals.
2. Clarify your doubts
Anxiety can be reduced when pregnant women talk it out with friends and closed ones. Experienced women in the family or your friends would help you cope with the fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth. This is one of the best methods of reducing the stress that piles up on pregnant women. What you could do is call a friend over for lunch or dinner and engage in long talks. Speak to her about how you are feeling. If your friend has been through a pregnancy before, she would guide you and tell you how she too felt the same. When you realize that this anxiety is not just happening to you but happens to every pregnant woman, you might feel better. Also, your friend might help you out by explaining how you can stop being anxious and enjoy your pregnancy. Communicating your troubles would always reduce them.
3. Relaxation helps a lot
During pregnancy, a woman is going through a lot of mental and physical ups and downs. This could cause stress and a rise in blood pressure. This is not a good sign and in such a situation she should make it a point to relax. As the body is already burdened with the weight of the baby and various changes are happening everyday, the body needs to relax and calm down. The best way to relax would be to lie down in a quiet place and listen to soothing music. Music plays wonders on the body and soul. It also helps the unborn baby to calm down. Research shows that calming music helps the baby to relax and it does not shift and fidget much in the womb. Another good way to relax for a pregnant woman is by taking a warm water bath. You could probably soak yourself in a warm water tub and add some essential oils to the water. This would help reduce the tensed body and lessen the anxiety.
4. Light exercises
There are many ways in which a pregnant woman can exercise. These are not the normal exercises a person does but some special exercises which pregnant women can do and reduce their anxiety. Certain positions in Yoga are formulated especially for pregnant women. You could learn these and practice them every day to reduce your stress and have a smooth delivery. Some other breathing exercises can also be practiced every day to prevent your blood pressure from rising due to anxiety. You can either practice them early in the morning or before sleeping at night. These light exercises would ensure you get a good night’s sleep and have a fresh morning.
5. Take a nap
During pregnancy, a woman is going through a lot of physical changes. These changes often cause discomfort and hence one cannot sleep well. Incomplete sleep can lead to anxiety and stress. This can cause your temper to rise on various trivial issues. Such a rise in the temper would harm the baby growing inside you. To stop this you can take small naps at one time. Whenever you feel sleepy, just lie down and take a small nap. The body is tending to 2 lives, yours and your baby’s; hence it tends to get tired very fast. Small naps at multiple times would relax the body and mind and reduce anxiety and stress during pregnancy. If you are a working woman, you could take a small break by taking permission from your boss and take a small nap in the relaxing room if available. If not you could go to the coffee area and rest on the loungers for a while. These small naps would compensate for the incomplete sleep at night.
6. Practice meditation or try praying
Meditation is known to be the most effective way of relaxing one’s body and soul. Pregnant women can practice it often and it is recommended that they meditate at least for 15 minutes every day. Meditation helps relax the body and reduces the fear one is facing due to pregnancy. It will help improve your concentration and build a positive attitude in you. It will help increase your positive aura and hence attract positive energy from your surroundings. This in turn would relax your mind and reduce all fears caused. Anxious minds can be cured with the help of prayers as well. It does not matter what religion you follow, you can sit in front of your god twice a day and thank him for the wonderful life he has given you. He would give you the strength to fight against all bad situations and the power to overcome your fears. Prayers work wonders and many pregnant women prefer chanting prayers to calm themselves and their babies.
7. Make your lifestyle healthy
In order to avoid panic attacks during pregnancy, you need to make some healthy changes in your lifestyle. Try to drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated, and to remove toxins from the body. It is also necessary to follow an exercise routine to reduce your stress. You can either join some prenatal classes or try some light exercises at home. Light yoga, stretching, walking, and slow breathing exercises will help to keep you happy and healthy. Pregnancy is also a very good time to start meditation, as meditation and prayers help your mind and body to stay calm and relaxed. It is a great way to connect with your inner self and forget all your worries. In addition, it is also necessary to have adequate sleep during the night so that your body gets a chance to heal itself and stay energetic.
8. Have a healthy diet
As we all know eating right is very important during pregnancy, take a well-balanced diet consisting of fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, milk, eggs, meats, fish, etc. Healthy food helps to provide much-needed nutrition to both; you and your baby. It also helps your body to produce chemicals that have a calming effect on your mind. Avoid spicy and oily stuff as much as possible, as these may lead to heartburn and can further interrupt in your sleep, and also your day to day activities. It is important to stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Take all the multivitamins and iron as well as calcium tablets prescribed by your doctor so that you do not suffer from any deficiency and are able to keep yourself and your baby healthy.
9. Ask for help
It is true that pregnancy is a stressful time, but you need to stay calm. A good way is to ask for help from other people. As your body is nourishing another human being, you will not be very capable of doing everything on your own. This should not make you anxious a bit. Ask your relatives, parents, friends or maid to help you with your work. Moreover, there is no need to do everything perfectly as earlier. If you cannot do a particular thing, it is better to say no rather than being over-stressed. In brief, to stay away from panic attacks during pregnancy, it is important to avoid workload. It is time to focus on yourself and how you are feeling. Avoid things that make you upset and are difficult for you to handle.
10. Talk to your doctor
The physical and mental development during pregnancy undergoes a huge transformation and your doctor is one most capable person to guide you in overcoming this situation. Share your feelings and apprehensions freely with your doctor. He or she will suggest ways to cope up with prenatal depression along with the preventive methods. He is the one person who is fully aware of and will help you be aware of your own body and its changes more vividly. Never feel shy to share your thoughts with your physician, as he should be aware of your mental health along with your physical health to help you overcome your mental blocks and accept it better.
Dealing with Anxiety and Depression After Pregnancy
Postnatal depression (PND) is not uncommon to mothers, but the severe form of PND (postpartum psychosis) can be testing. Taking help in whatever ways feasible can help you gradually emerge out of the condition. Here are some tips which can yield favorable.
1. Get enough rest
After the birth of the baby, mothers usually do not find enough time to sleep or take rest. Lack of proper rest can make them feel irritated and depressed. Therefore, the most important step to deal with postpartum depression is to take adequate sleep and let your body heal itself. Sleep whenever your baby is sleeping or whenever you find the time. Ask friends and relatives to help you out during the initial months so that you feel less stressed. The more you sleep, the happier you will feel. A proper rejuvenation will gradually decrease your depression symptoms and you will be able to enjoy your new life with your baby.
2. Take a balanced diet
The nutrition requirements of your body increase because you need to feed your baby as well as heal your own body after the child’s birth. Therefore, be very careful about your diet. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to several deficiencies which might cause problems in the future. Take a well-balanced diet and include lots of fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, milk, meat, eggs, etc. Food will keep your body energetic and you will be able to cope up with the new challenge in a better way. Additionally, you also need to continue taking prenatal multivitamin supplements.
3. Take out some time for yourself
Having a baby does not mean you need to neglect yourself. Take out some time for activities that you love. Talk to your near and dear ones and take their suggestions about how to deal with the newborn. Discuss your feelings with your partner. Do not be lonely and stay away from negative feelings. Spend your time in fun activities like reading a book, watching a favorite television program, taking a walk with your baby, going for a massage, doing some light exercises, taking a warm bath, etc. Your focus should be to remain happy always. The baby has brought new joy to your life. Feel it and cherish it. Have a positive approach and enjoy all the new experiences.
4. Be enduring and optimistic
It is very common that PND gets better with time. It is not your fault that you have anxiety or depression after having delivered your best-prized possession. You may be losing calm over your pending daily jobs, half-done assignments, or inadequate and haphazard sleeping patterns. Remember that this will not always be the case.
Your anxiety can not harm your child (unless you think so). However, be careful that your anxiety does not become overwhelming.
5. Do not be your own judge
Balancing between the unending baby demands and your regular needs can be tough. But do find some time (even if it is for few minutes) regularly for yourself. Take assistance from outside sources if family resources seem inadequate. Wherever possible, engage your partner to share responsibilities. Eat well and sleep well. You need more energy and nutrition to cope with your daily routine now. Reduce commitments and expectations, even if you feel otherwise.
Talk to mothers and you shall observe the same problem at their ends as well. Share your experiences (not the woes) and get the best possible practical outcome. Do not let guilt overpower you. Deliver your best; remember that there is no magic formula to nurture a baby. Follow the essential guidelines. Be gentle on yourself and give yourself some time to recover.
6. Get advice from an expert
Hormonal changes, lifestyle changes, and brain chemistry can lead to postnatal depression. If the postpartum depression is concerning, take an appointment from an expert. Discuss the matter with your doctor to deduce the best possible outcome which works favorably.
Antidepressants can help overcome the condition but should be taken only after an expert suggestion. You need to be extremely cautious about medications while breastfeeding. Watch out for safe medications and therapies. Sometimes, counseling also serves the purpose.
Final Words
Emotional upheavals are common during pregnancy. The outflow of excessive hormones causes mood swings between highs and lows with little or no indications beforehand. This wrecks havoc on your nerves and leaves you feeling often depressed, neglected, and apprehensive.
Before the birth of a baby or even after it, the new mother is often overwhelmed by the new challenges in her life. This may sometimes lead to prepartum or postpartum depression which can become severe if not controlled on time. So, it is important that we tackle them in a realistic way.