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How to deal with your girlfriend’s demands?

A demanding girlfriend

A demanding girlfriend is something that is every guy’s worst nightmare and they come in many forms. She can be emotionally demanding and will want your undivided attention, she could also be the very jealous type, extremely materialistic and other flaws in her that make her demanding. This is one thing that cannot be cured over night and so it is better to determine if she is the one for you:

Asses your own personality and characteristics and compare them with that of your girlfriends. If you and her are worlds apart on many levels, then you may want to consider where things are going. It could be that she isn’t really demanding but that she is just very different from you. Once you have completely assessed yourself, you will then know what to do.

You can also try to make time to do something that she enjoys. The issue is that you may not be spending enough time together, so plan out a dinner date or a movie, shopping and anything else she prefers.

A demanding girlfriend may not be as negative as it sounds, so make sometime for yourself only. Take thirty minutes to an hour in solitude to calm your self and develop a positive mood.

You need to be realistic when delivering on the needs of your girl friend, if what she demands of you is very high, then you need to let know the level that you can meet. You should never consider forcing your self to fulfill another person’s standards; it really is not your fault if you can’t fulfill this.

Communicate. If your girl friend does not know how demanding she really is, then have a discussion together that will help to remedy the situation. Always maintain a positive outlook, so instead of saying “you are too demanding at times”, be more passive and instead say something like “I feel like you are over demanding on many occasions.”

Hearing her out can also resolve things. She may be demanding because she feels like things are not really going anywhere and that demanding your attention is a subtle way of voicing this.

Keep well defined boundaries, when she goes overboard, then you should help her to take a step back- but do not get violent and aggressive. Being patient with her can be much better then taking action.

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