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How to deal with a bad manager

How to deal with a bad manager

Getting a good boss at work makes your work easier and your work environment a joy to be in. But things are not always so, and many a time we end up with extremely difficult bosses who keep us on our toes all the time. Here are some ways to deal with bad managers without losing your credibility in the work front.

Work passionately and hard

It’s a fact that you have to try even harder when you have a bad manager. This is definitely going to be a great deal more difficult as a bad manager will always have reasons to find fault with your work or will try to put you down with a discouraging remark or review. Understand his mental makeup and work just as hard to keep up with his demands. However, there is a limit that you can please and perform and in spite of being the best of workers, if you are cornered and targeted, you need not suffer in silence. Make sure that you are perfect in your work and be ready to report the matter to the management or human resources department. Let them assess the situation and take necessary action. Never try to hit back directly at a bad manager as it can only backfire.

Accept responsibility or faults

When a bad manager tries to point at your faults, it is important that you must accept the fault if it is a genuine fault that you have made. Do not try to defend yourself or give excuses to escape. In such cases, you have to assess your skills and check if it is entirely his fault or somewhere you are not being as careful and competent enough as required for your position. It could be that your manager is very sharp and has a keen eye for detail that he finds out every possible mistake that you commit, which pisses you off and make you feel that he is a bad manager. Assess the situation without bias and check who needs to change. Many a time, incompetent people consider their managers to be bad and difficult to work with.

Do not give him reason to complain

If you have found a bad manager, it is your duty to ensure that you do not give him any reason to complain. Check your documents several times before submission so that he cannot catch you anywhere and find a reason to find fault with. Any bad manager will need a reason for pointing mistakes and firing you. In the absence of mistakes and faults, you cannot be touched and misbehaved with. If you have such an advantage over a bad manager, you will soon be in a position to surpass his skills and will not have to fear him in any possible way. Take this opportunity to fine tune your skills and develop more competence. It is only when you have a bad or a strict manager to scrutinize you that you learn to become more sharp and careful. Therefore, take it as a positive outcome for improving your professional skills.

Never try to retaliate

Bad managers can be a pain in the neck and can constantly pester you with little mistakes and tasks that are almost negligible. If this is getting on your nerves, you must exercise some control on your feelings and resist the urge to retaliate. Fighting back will make matters worse and your bad manager will have yet another complaint against you which can have dire consequences. Do not take this wrong step. Be calm and patient and avoid a clash or a fight with him. You must be very polite and do everything he wants you to do if it is of significance. If he is unreasonably pushy or demanding, it is time for you to think about other options. Give a discreet report to the management or the concerned department while you try to be patient and undertake all jobs that he gives.

Take up a new job

Sometimes, bad managers are very difficult to get along with. Ensure that you look out for other opportunities while you are in this current job. It may not help you to stick to this job as it can be mentally and professionally very taxing. Before you taint your name and credentials, make sure that you move out when the going is still good. Once things turn into a negative side, it will be difficult to sustain in the current positions and you will eventually have to resign.


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