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Do’s and don’ts of traveling in developing countries

Young woman giving money to homeless beggar man

The developing countries are rich in distinct culture and offer a lot of new experiences to the travelers. You can acquire knowledge and learn new things about exotic locales but at the same time you may have to put up with some problems with the infrastructure, accommodation and food. The culture and food varies widely in different developing countries, even if they are neighbors. Coping with a different culture can be difficult for many. You should not overlook the beauty and entertainment that developing countries can provide but at the same time do not be oblivious about the adverse circumstances that you might have to face. The following guidelines will be helpful for travelers who plan to visit a developing country.


1. Do your research carefully: Your journey does not start with boarding a flight rather it starts with the research. When done right planning will take care of all the odds that will come your way. To begin with find out a developing country where you will feel most comfortable or which suits your attitude or spirits. Do your research online and read local news. Set Google Alert on your cell phone or tablet for improved results.

2. Do learn the local language: Learn necessary phrases and terms in the native language that will be immensely helpful. This way you can interact more with the native of that country and learn more about their culture.

3. Keep your eyes open: Observing is always the best way of learning. Whichever part of the world you are in, observing the ways of the people who belong there can help you pick up some tricks that will help you mingle.

4. Do be cautious about transportation: If you have to board bus, train or local airline then make some speedy research before you agree to do so. One big problem for travelers in the developing countries is that the transport facilities are not too good. Assess the transportation mode with care.


1.  Don’t be reckless: Being naïve won’t do. The people can be very charming and honest but you cannot eat or drink whatever is offered to you. In most of the places in developing countries the water quality is very poor. Buy packaged drinking water and be careful in all your dealings.

2. Don’t give away money or candy: It is ethically wrong to give alms in the form of toys, candies, or money to the beggars and roadside children. This makes them weak and more prone to begging.

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