Actress Bhagyashree Says Dr Prem’s Carve Your Life is sense of inspiration for everyone

Carve Your Life is sense of inspiration for everyone

The author, Dr. Prem Jagyasi, an award-winning global leader and acclaimed life coach, has delivered keynote speeches and conducted focused workshops in several countries. He is renowned for delivering succinct and customized Carve Your Life training programmes. In his book, he has answered readers’ queries about minimalism, productivity and tactical transformation in one’s self.

Shedding light on what inspired him to write this book, Dr. Prem Jagyasi says, ‘The art of carving one’s life through minimalism is empowering enough to bring about maximum transformation in one’s real self. My upcoming book intends to be a savior for all those who wish to find a purpose in their life, bring out their true self, and get the most productivity out of their endeavors.’

The book was launched by Actress Bhagyashree – A Bollywood personality who is known for living life on her own terms and at the same time contributing meaningfully to the society and film industry. As per the author, she is one person who has carved her life according to her values and has practiced the concept of Carvism in true essence, hence she was the ideal personality to inaugurate The Carve Your Life Book.

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