Help Yourself On The Way To Success By Making Others Happy | Carve Your Life In One Minute
Dr Prem Jagyasi - Carve Your Life
One of the most common ways people react when they hear people getting success is that they envy them. They wish they could change places with successful people and boast of their achievements. It disappoints them and takes away their abilities to focus on their own strength. On the contrary, when you are happy for others and celebrate their success with them you invite success in your life.
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Carve Your Life narrates Dr Prem’s signature Carvism principles, his detailed description of ‘Self-Carving Qualities’, ways to ‘Shape Your Mind’, and the process to ‘Find Your Passion’. According to the author, our lives are nowadays choked by unnecessary accumulations, because of which we are unable to ‘uncover’ the true purpose of our life; once we do this, we will enjoy a quality life to the fullest. Hence, carving out a lean life is the only way forward.
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