Meditation offers the perfect cure. By helping us let go of our thoughts, it makes our mind as clean and pure as a blank sheet of paper.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
Just like there’s a formatting option on the hard disk of computers and memory cards of our phones, in the same way meditation is the way of nature to format our minds. But, unlike formatting, meditation doesn’t wipe away all our memories. It just takes away the negative emotions that we might have attached to them, and makes our toxic memories less prominent and less potent. Normally, these memories and thoughts, they dominate our mental landscape. But once we are free from them, what’s left in their place is just empty space or silence, which is just like a blank paper. It is your own space that’s free from all the external impressions, and you can write or paint on it whatever that you like.
Quotes; “Meditation offers the perfect cure. By helping us let go of our thoughts, it makes our mind as clean and pure as a blank sheet of paper.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi