Your mind is like a wild horse that keeps wrecking your life. The same horse can be of immense value and help you win races if you learn how to tame it.
A Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi
In ancient Indian scriptures, mind has been compared to numerous animals and living things. Some call it a monkey, and there are others who call it river or even a muddied lake. What most of these analogies agree on is that it is full of noise, restless energy, and it lacks focus. While thinking about training our minds, the best analogy that one can keep in mind is that of a horse. The same horse that possess a great amount of wild energy can also be put to good use if we tame it. In the same way, when through meditation and discipline we tame the wildest of minds, they help us in getting ahead in life just the way a wild horse takes us ahead in a race.
Quotes; “Your mind is like a wild horse that keeps wrecking your life. The same horse can be of immense value and help you win races if you learn how to tame it.” – Quote by Dr Prem Jagyasi