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True love makes you perfect for each other

shower all your love and affection

Robert and Susan had been married for the last two years and everyone thought that they made a perfect couple. Robert was an understanding husband and Susan was someone who always stood by his side through thick and thin. One day when both of them were sitting in their living room, Susan came up with a crazy idea.


“I have found a way to check our compatibility with each other,” Susan told her husband Robert who was busy reading a newspaper.

“There is no need to do that, I know I couldn’t get a better wife. I know that for sure,” Robert said.

“Stop flattering me. Let’s just give it a shot,” Susan insisted.

“Tell me about it,” Robert turned around and asked Susan,

“See it’s quite easy. You have to make a list of things that annoy you the most about me, I will do the same and then we can share the list with each other, “Susan explained.

She went back to her room and brought a few papers and pen. As soon she handed over the pen and paper to Robert he said, “ It is better if we sit in different rooms to do that as it will give us some time to think hard.”

“Sure, “Susan said as she rushed to another room.

writing down

Robert and Susan both spent next half an hour writing down things they disliked about each other. The next day when they were having their breakfast Susan brought her list and gave it to Robert who was stunned. It was a long list of three to four pages. Robert read them word to word. The moment he finished the list, Susan asked Robert, “Would you now show me your list?”

Robert went to his room and brought a piece of paper. Susan noticed that there was only a single piece of paper and that was also blank.

“What is it, Robert? You didn’t write anything that you dislike about me,” Susan inquired.

Robert sighed and said, “I thought hard but I could not think of anything that I dislike about you. You are simply perfect for me.”

“How is it possible, Robert? Everyone has faults,” Susan argued.

True love makes you perfect

“Yes I agree but it is just the way you look at your loved ones. I find you simply amazing and flawless,” Robert answered. Susan had tears in her eyes, as she did not know Robert loved her so much. He had made her stand on cloud nine.

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