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The good and the bad

good or bad

Once upon a time, in a small village there lived two brothers. The elder brother was studious and always got an A on his report cared. Younger brother was a little naughty who always troubled his parents. He would run away from school and spend time with his friends. Everyone in the village would praise the elder brother as he loved his parents and helped them in the fields. The younger one always had something going on in his mind as if he wanted his family to suffer because of him. The elder brother would try hard to make him understand that he was causing a lot of trouble to the family but younger brother always asked him to save his lecture.

snatch money

Time went by. Both grew up and started working. The elder brother would get up early in the morning and go to the fields. Even the younger brother had his own fields but he never bothered to plant the seeds or to water them. He used to get drunk and snatch money from others.

Elder brother earned a lot of money and got prosperous. On the other hand, the younger brother usually found it difficult to make two ends meet. He started gambling and lost everything he had.

When both of them got married, everyone was expecting a change in the behavior of the younger brother. On the contrary, the younger brother started acting even weird. He would beat his wife and drag her with her hair. The elder brother however loved and his family and worked hard to give them a good life.


One day the rest of the people in the village called both of them at the same place, as they wanted to know if they were from the same parents. The two brothers had almost nothing in common. The village people wanted to know how two brothers who grew up in the same environment could be so different from each other. What made them chose different directions in life?

When the younger brother was asked what motivated him to behave that way he said, “I saw my father beating his wife and kids. I never found him sober. He was always high and made our life a living hell. How can you expect me to be nice to everyone?”


They asked the elder brother, “You are such a nice person. Everyone praises you in the village as you help everyone. You love your wife and kids. Who or what motivated you to be a nice person.”

The village people were amazed as he had exactly the same answer. He said, “I saw my father troubling the family when I was a kid. He was a famous drunkard. My mother used to cry as my father would beat her over trivial issues. I never wanted be like him.”

Life is strange and strange is the way it gives you an important lesson. You always have a choice to be good or bad.

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