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How to deal with blushing

All of us blush at some points in our life, but for some, it is a way of life and it can be very embarrassing as well. Blushing frequently under nervous situations can be very daunting for the person and it can tamper with his/her self confidence and abil

How to deal with swelling

Swelling is the enlargement of body or body parts and is one of the five characteristics of inflammation. Swelling may occur in body’s response to injury, infection or disease. Generally swelling and pain are common with injuries. Here are some ways to de


How to deal with a borderline personality

Borderline personality includes lack of control over emotions and sudden mood swings as well. Although dealing with such a disorder is pretty difficult but there are several ways to deal with them effectively.


How to deal with a depressed wife

A depressed wife can change the entire equation of the family. Things can go seriously wrong if you leave the problem untreated and lead to divorce and devastation. Understanding the problem and having a willingness to help her through the depressed state


How to deal with a depressed parent

A depressed parent can weigh you down and can also cause you a lot of heartache. If you seem to have a depressed parent, it is important that you offer him/her great support and courage to go on with life. Here are some fine rules to follow.

How to deal with cold sores

Cold sores alternatively called fever blisters are caused by a virus called herpes simplex virus. The person may experience painful mouth ulcers, swollen glands and generalized sick feeling. Cold sores are contagious and care should be taken not to spr


How to deal with oppositional defiant disorder

Dealing with a child with ODD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder can be quite intimidating and demanding. With some strategies and methods, you can deal with this conduct disorder effectively.

How to deal with sciatica

Sciatica is a common problem that affects thousands of people around the world. Sciatica is characterized by a sensation of pain in the lower back and all along the posterior aspect of the leg. It is triggered by medical problems related to the sciatic

How to deal with an asthma attack

Imagine someone having an outbreak of an asthma attack right in front of your eyes. It is normal to react in an absurd manner and feel helpless, not knowing what to do. However, looking at the consequences, not knowing what to do and how to react in such

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