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Attention deficit disorder

How to deal with adult ADD (Attention deficit disorder)

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is not very uncommon among adults and can be chaotic and frustrating for the individual suffering from ADD and also those around him. Follow these simple tips to deal with adult ADD better.

deal with breast cancer

How to deal with breast cancer

Breast cancer can leave a woman feeling demoralized and drained out because of the harsh treatment she has to go through. However, women need to find ways to cope up with the effects of this disease. Here are some tips to deal with breast cancer.

How to deal with anxiety attacks in children

Anxiety or panic attacks in children are quite common. Some children are either nervous or scared in different environments such as starting a new school or socializing with friends and family. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate such panic

How to deal with anxiety and fear

You may find it hard and complicated to break away from the clutches of anxiety and fear. But believe it or not, there are quite a number of effective ways to deal and cope up with the condition. Here we have given some of them.

How to deal with chronic pain

Living with chronic pain can make your life full of anxiety and stress. Moreover, incorrect information, negative attitude, and fear can make the situation worse. If you are suffering from this condition, then read on to find out how to deal with chronic

How to deal with eczema

A skin problem which is characterized by the presence of dry, itchy and scaly skin and which is commonly seen in children is eczema, a kind of dermatitis. In severe cases, there may be bleeding in the skin lesions along with severe itching. It is usually

How to deal with snoring

Whether it is you or your spouse who snores, snoring can be a problem for the quality of your sleep as well as the quality of your life. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with snoring and here we have given some of them.

How to deal with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most dreadful neurodegenerative diseases that generally come with aging. Alzheimer’s disease presents a stark contrast with other diseases, because it cannot be handled by the victim alone as it destroys the victim’s

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