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Spyware can cause several system errors

How to deal with spyware

Spyware can cause several system errors and saves personal details that can be used without ones knowledge. This leads to a complete invade of ones privacy, a drop down in system speed and performance to a great extent and can even lead to system crash

How to deal with the problems of doping

Doping has become a serious issue these days and is rapidly increasing. Taking unprescribed medicines and other illegal drugs to increase mental or physical performance falls under doping. Even though doping has temporary good qualities, however its long

How to deal with anxiety and panic attacks

Constant anxiety and panic attacks can be very detrimental to your mental and physical health. If anxiety and panic attacks are leaving you entirely hopeless and tamper with your efficiency in doing day to day tasks, here are some ways to cope with the

How to deal with swelling

Swelling is the enlargement of body or body parts and is one of the five characteristics of inflammation. Swelling may occur in body’s response to injury, infection or disease. Generally swelling and pain are common with injuries. Here are some ways to de

How to deal with epilepsy

People with epilepsy live a life full of frustration, embarrassment, and fear. It is an emotional roller coaster that can have profound and long lasting effects on the affected person. Here are some tips that will help you deal with epilepsy.

How to deal with a sprained ankle

A sprain in the ankle can occur, in both athletes and in people who have a sedentary lifestyle. The sprain can occur during walking or even during playing some game. Hence a basic knowledge about how to deal with ankle sprains is helpful.

deal with a hangover

How to deal with a hangover

There is nothing worse than getting up in the morning with a pounding head ache and nausea. All you want, is to get rid of that awful feeling as soon as possible. Here are some quick tips to deal with a hangover.

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