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How to deal with Pressure

A little amount of pressure is always good to enhance our efficiency, while too much of pressure can lead to stress. Read below to learn about some ways to deal with pressure and feel relaxed.

deal with fake people

How to deal with fake people

Having fake people around can give you a constant reason to worry about your progress in life. Fake people would want to see your failure rather than success and would do everything in their capacity to block your progress and taint your name. Here are so

deal with competitive people

How to deal with competitive people

Healthy competitions are always beneficial. In fact, competitions will let you know your own strengths and weaknesses. However, you may find it quite hard to work peacefully, if you are surrounded by competitive people. Here are a few techniques to deal w

How to deal with nervousness

No matter how skilled or talented a person is, they must have to overcome their nervousness and perform when it matters because the world judges you on the basis of your results and not your attempt. Following are the steps which may help you overcome ner

How to deal with feelings

Thinking and feeling are two functions of our mind that guide our lives. While the thought processes are in our conscious control, feelings appear to be uncontrollable; if not handled properly they can cause us serious consequences. Here are some tips on

How to deal with a jealous friend

How to deal with a jealous friend

Jealousy can ruin relationships and spoil the life of the jealous person as well. Though friends are meant to support you through thick and thin, it is not unusual that you would meet friends who are sometimes jealous of your achievements and personality.

How to deal with disappointment

Disappointments happen. They are a part of life, and would remain so. The need is to not let them overpower you. Think of every disappointment as an experience gained. Remember that every failure hides in itself an opportunity to learn and become better.


How to deal with envious people

Though some of us would vouch that we have not been envious of others even once, it would be a blatant lie. If you are an achiever and have too many laurels in you cap, it’s likely that you meet many an envious colleague or a friend on a daily basis. H

How to deal with aging

A variety of inter-connected and decisive changes in our social, mental and physical lives get us closer to aging, a stage which is universal and unavoidable to ignore. While there’s no way to stop those creepy eyelids, grey hair and sagging skin tone,

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