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How to deal with competitive people

deal with competitive people

Healthy competitions are always beneficial. In fact, competitions will let you know your own strengths and weaknesses. However, you may find it quite hard to work peacefully, if you are surrounded by competitive people. Here are a few techniques to deal with competitive people at work or at home.

Appreciate your competitors

Appreciation is a very good quality that one can possess. Don’t consider your competitors as your enemies. In reality, they are the persons who will make you work harder and face greater challenges in your life. The best way to thank them is by appreciating their efforts, even if they win or lose. Winning or losing is not the end of a competition. Literally, there is no limit for the qualities you will learn through competitions. Appreciating your competitors doesn’t just mean making a handshake or a smile. Express your competitor’s strengths as well as weaknesses. Share your point of view with them. Ask their opinion about your performances and let them make a suggestion to improve your work. When competitors work together, they can rise to new heights and make wonders.

Don’t compare

One of the common mistakes that people make is comparing themselves with others. Every human being is born unique and each has his/her own talents and creativity. When you compare yourselves with others, obviously, you will feel either superior or inferior to others. In reality, all human beings have equal skills and talents. The difference arises because some human beings utilize their talents, while some others don’t. When you compare your qualities with others, you will lose confidence in yourself. Once you lose your confidence, nobody can help you to achieve your goals in life. Due to the variety of choices in life, most people use comparison as a tool to find their best option. The act of comparison may give a temporary solution; but in reality, it kills creativity.

Be polite

Your competitors might trouble you, if they win over you. Instead of getting annoyed, consider their victory as yours. You can let them know your happiness in their victory and appreciate them. Never express anger with your competitors, even if they criticize you for your defeat or poor performance. Be polite to your competitors. If you get a chance, let them know that you are pretty satisfied with your performances. If you express anger in any form, you will not only ruin your competitor’s joyous moods, but also yours. Approach your competitors wishfully and praise them for their efforts. Share information with them and learn their success principles. You may find their lifestyle and culture suitable for yourself too. Lose your shyness and the fear of getting mocked by your competitors. Just take it easy even if your competitors mock you.

Focus on your strengths

Diverting attention towards your strengths is one of the best ways to deal with competitive people. Because, when you start thinking about your positive qualities, obviously, you will become stronger to face bigger challenges in life. Remind yourselves that competition is healthy and essential in life. However, you must not face defeat by giving up yourselves. As mentioned earlier, every human being has both positive and negative qualities in him. When one concentrates more on his positive traits, he/she will develop them. Only negative thinkers will diminish their talents by depressing themselves. That’s why you should focus on your strengths always, though you might have certain weaknesses too. However, be aware of your weaknesses and find ways to improve them.

Challenge yourself

Nobody can be a stronger competitor to you, other than yourselves. Because, only you can realize your maximum abilities. If you consider your previous performances as your competitor, you can definitely achieve higher targets and goals, in a more peaceful way. Bid challenges against your own records. When you challenge yourselves, you will concentrate only on the ways to improve your performance, rather than comparing yourself with others. Don’t hesitate to push yourselves beyond your limits. It will make you utilize your full capacity and abilities. Appreciate yourselves for your achievements and enjoy your victories with others. When you consider yourself as the strongest competitor, dealing with other competitive people will become an effortless task over time.

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