How to deal with child abuse

deal with child abuse

Child abuse is a very serious issue. If you found that a child is being abused in any way, you should report it to the concerned person immediately. It is important to spread the word about child abuse and its extensive impact, which emerges as a serious concern worldwide.

Speak up the matter

It is difficult for the abused child to discuss the incident. But unless the event is reported, it will remain unattended. Encourage the child to talk about the incident. Give comfort and confidence to enable the child to speak and open up. He/she may be too afraid to even hint about any untoward incident, anticipating more abuse.

Sometimes, children are threatened of dire consequences if they report the incident. Help the child realize that abuse should not be tolerated and the abuser should be punished at any cost. Giving training to children about abuse and ways to deal with it is helpful. Educate your child and give appropriate guidance in handling such a situation. Give a clear message that child abuse is wrong and need not be considered shame. The fact that the abuser is a known person (which usually is the case) can make matters worse for tender age children. If you see any of the red flags, take the child in faith and handle the matter on priority.

Take help from organization(s)

Sometimes, there is serious abuse demanding intervention from an outside source (like an organization). Although the law may not incline you to report the matter to an authority, it may be essential to seize the culprit. The matter may be reported to the Police, NGO, a Social Worker or any such organization which can consider the gravity of matter and act appropriately.

Reporting the matter to a trusted institution can keep a check over the suspect and the child at risk. The United States has several organizations, at different hierarchy, which facilitate prevention of child abuse. Two such national organizations at the state level are National Alliance of Children’s Trust Funds and Prevent Child Abuse America. The investigation can also be handled at local levels. Professional assistance facilitates quick and efficient investigation of child abuse cases, reducing trauma and pain to the victims.

Tell someone about it

Sometimes, children may not realize whether they are being abused or not. Finding a trusted source can be all the more difficult, compelling them to keep the matter undisclosed.

If in school, the child can report the matter to the counselor, teacher or a coach. Besides, there are many helpline numbers which can be contacted. Children can report the matter to any of the friend’s parents, close associates, or a faithful adult who is in a position to handle the situation.

It is important that the matter is repeatedly highlighted unless the culprit is found guilty. The child can talk about the matter in private or solitude, hinting towards the confidentiality. It will also keep up the confidence level (of the child), preventing emotional setback.

Provide treatment, if necessary

Abused children not only get physical bruises, but also suffer emotional setback. Depending on the seriousness of abuse, treatment can be administered. An effective evidence based treatment is Dyadic developmental psychotherapy. Another treatment, Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy, is used for victims of any kind of trauma. It is helpful in treating post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and clinical depression. There are other treatments to help physically abused children.

Other therapies like play therapy and art therapy can get children more comfortable by working on something they enjoy (coloring, painting, etc.). Depending on the type of abuse, there are several types of therapies available.

Move on with life

An unpleasant incident is better deleted from memory. Though the child has undergone trauma and pain due to abuse, you should not refresh the past by interrogating too much or blaming the child. Do not show denial in accepting reality. Face the truth and do not behave abnormal. Remain quiet and peaceful. Your child may be too disturbed to accept your emotions. Do not leave scope for guilt to appear.

Considering the vulnerability of children, it is important to teach them to indulge in safe habits. Encourage them to remain in groups as far as possible. Adopt good upbringing habits to imbibe optimism in children.

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