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Overcoming Awkwardness on the First Night of Marriage

Beautiful Indian Couple

Marriages are a big deal in India and getting married is an even bigger deal. However, the biggest dilemma of all is the first night of marriage. For, most Indians are brought up as virgins and are thoroughly fed that sex is a bad thing unless you are married. Hence, once you get married, it becomes difficult to get comfortable with the so called bad sex. Firstly, one needs to get comfortable with each other and then later, one can get comfortable having sex. It is not a bad idea to read up a little before you get married. Here are a few tips that will help you out –

Get Comfortable with Each Other

Don’t jump into things. Talk to each other and get to know each other. Once you are comfortable with each other, you will not feel awkward sleeping with each other. it will not go down as badly as you think it will.

You guys can relax with each other and have a good time. As the 2 of you get friendly and comfortable, sex will not seem such bad a thing to the 2 of you. You can relax and enjoy in comfort.

Earn the Trust

It is necessary that the 2 of you trust each other before you get into something so intimate and physical. There is a good chance that the 2 of you will be doing this for the first time and hence, in order to be able to do it comfortably and without feeling awkward, you guys will have to reach a point where you can completely trust each other.

Once you have reached this point, you will be able to enjoy the physical intimacy granted to you on the first night of your marriage.

Meet and Talk a lot before the Marriage

Since you know what you and your betrothed are going to face on the first night of your marriage, you should try and get to know each other as much as possible before you get married. In the age of mobile phones, this isn’t a very difficult thing to do. You can easily call anyone up and talk to them.

Hence, make an effort towards each other before you get married and the first night of marriage will not seem all that awkward to you. In fact, you may find yourself looking forward to it.

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