Nine possible reasons you feel caught up in the moment

possible reasons you feel caught up in the moment

When you feel stuck in life, you simply feel unable to control things. You feel helpless and miserable to find a way out. However, this is a mere feeling something that the result of negative thinking  itself.

Comparisons with others

Comparisons with others

There are people who are better than you and those who seem to have nothing when you compare yourself with them. However, this comparison is not needed at all, since it hardly makes a difference. You feel inferior, unlucky and less control over your own life, when you keep comparing your life with others. These feelings only make steal your happiness.



If it is your wok, you have to do it. The idea of postponing the work for some other day makes it harder for you to finish it, when the pile gets bigger with time. When you see pile of work ahead of you, you feel frustrated, stressed out and anxious all the time.

Quick reactions

Quick reactions

The sooner you react to a situation, the less time you get to think over it. The result is you feel less satisfied with your own decision. No doubt, over thinking makes your decision harder but taking enough time to think over your decisions is necessary to get good results.



Most of the people follow others so blindly that they hardly are aware of their own self. If you do not know yourself, how could you keep yourself happy?

Negative thoughts imposed by negative people

Negative thoughts imposed by negative people

If the company you keep is negative, you can’t expect yourself to turn into a positive personality. People around you play a crucial role in deciding your own attitude. Negative people fill your brain with negativity, making you less motivated and shattering all your hopes for a better future.

Keeping others ahead of you

Keeping others ahead of you

Abandoning your own ego for the sake of others sound cool but it only makes you feel down and low deep down inside. You can never be happy if your put others on the priority list instead of your own self. You are the most important person in your, it has to be this way so that you can keep your spirits high and keep moving ahead.

No goals and no dreams to follow

Stressed businessman

When you don’t have anything to look forward to, you can’t really be happy. You will only end up frustrated and disheartened. It is important to have dreams to follow and goals to achieve in life.

New experiences  

New experiences

Some people grew a habit of turning down the new experiences in life, since they have had some bitter experiences in their past. However, this way they only start ignoring their own happiness.

Self-imposed expectations

Self-imposed expectations

Perfection lies nowhere and if you seek perfection in any sphere of your life, frustration has to be the result of it. It’s a human tendency to see perfection in other’s life which again is a misconception. Seeking perfection is an endless search for happiness.

It is nothing but you own point of view of looking at your own life. Even if you start comparing your life with others, you would find many things that give you an upper hand in life.

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