Nine things to remember in the toughest time of your life

things to remember in the toughest time of your life

Even in your hardest time, you always have something to be thankful for, it’s just that you do not pay attention to good things in your life as you are so occupied looking at the negativity around you. Every single human on the face of this earth, has to go through rough times in life, you are no exception. However, you can still keep yourself calm by going over certain firm realities of life.

Nothing remains forever

Nothing remains forever

Nothing remains forever. Time waits for none and continually keeps running forward. Be it your happy time or the rough time you go through, it all fades away faster than you think. Never leave a chance to be happy and never ever lose hope even when you face the hard time since it will disappear soon. This too shall pass.

When everything goes wrong

When everything goes wrong

There is always a ray of light even in the darkest nights. Certain realities of life always keep reminding you that you are not the only one facing difficulties in life and would not be the last one.

Things are meant to happen

Things are meant to happen

You simply need to try your level best without complaining and crying over the troubles of your life. There could be blessing hidden in a struggle. You can never make certain things happen since there are things, which are meant to happen. Giving your best is all you could do and this mostly gets you the results. However, never try to control the uncontrollable.

Keep going

Keep going

At time of adversities and trouble when you get no single solution, just keep moving ahead. There is always a bright day waiting for you after the dark night. You simply go through the worst to be the best.

Every struggle makes you even stronger

Every struggle makes you even stronger

The struggles are there to measure your strength and every time you come out of it, you have something to be proud of. It is not the good times but the bad times that give you the strength to prepare for the worst. Remember that a real warrior has to fight battles against many to be the best among all.

Worrying is of no use

Worrying is of no use

Worrying and complaining changes nothing. Try to do something great and fail rather than attempt to nothing. You do not lose until you accept the defeat.

The best in you

The best in you

The struggle you face always brings out the best in you. It demands you to push you limits and prepares you for the worst time of your life.

Make your own identity

Make your own identity

Don’t let the struggle and problem of your life change you. Try to be a better person rather then turning into a bitter person. Consider it all a part of life rather than taking things personally and remember that you are not the only one who is going through a rough phase. When you are busy cursing your fate for giving you less, remember there is always someone, somewhere in the world who does not have even the basic necessities of life but never forgets to smile.

Tough time gives you a hard lesson

Ambitious male executive sitting in his office in a company

It’s a human tendency to try to be in the comfort zone. Would you ever try to make any change, if the circumstances do not push you? No, you come out of your comfort zone and try hard to make a change only when forced to do so. The toughest phase of your life gives you the best learning of your life.

Going through a rough phase of your life does not mean that you have no right to feel the happiness. Keep smiling, speak diligently and keep hoping in life. Time never remains the same.

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